Example sentences of "[be] said to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 The social cost of these processes , added to by government policies , has been said to be the end of ‘ consensus politics ’ and a turning away from the notion that the social hierarchy can be perceived to be legitimate .
2 More generally , however , this tort has been said to be the genus of which the other unlawful means torts ( intimidation and interference with contract and conspiracy where unlawful means are involved ) are species .
3 This is despite a major reduction in the proportion of calls performed by deputising services , the use of which had been said to be the main factor increasing the numbers of night visits .
4 As in previous attacks on the protesters , the real agents provocateurs are said to be the Western media egging on the rabble .
5 Schooldays are said to be the happiest days in your life but for Asian children in Britain they are often the harshest .
6 Not surprising , then , that Soho 's fire-fighters are said to be the busiest in the world .
7 The colours used on the façade of the palace are said to be the same as those originally used .
8 ‘ Protective factors ’ are said to be the explanation .
9 These monsters are found only in New Jersey , USA , and are said to be the descendants of the illegitimate offspring of a woman named Mother Leeds .
10 It is a very simple denial of deafness and corrupts the most fundamental aspect of scientific investigation : the elements which are the outcome are said to be the cause .
11 Lifetime employment and seniority wages which are said to be the two defining features of the Japanese labour market , are closely related .
12 Such mobility may carry the stigma of personal failure or a defective personality that are said to be the result of ‘ soiling one 's curriculum vitae' ( Nakane 1973 p.111 ) .
13 The self-regulation of the profession and the high standards demanded of its members are said to be the justification for the monopolies enjoyed by those engaging in the activity and by the restrictive practices permitted .
14 All the appellants seek orders that , because of the Secretary of State 's failure to comply with what are said to be the requirements as I have set them out , the decisions made in relation to each of the appellants as to their respective tariffs should be quashed .
15 The differences are said to be the following :
16 It can be said to be the wind rustling through the trees , when first heard as the Tsarevich climbs over the wall to find his Princess .
17 But for its lack of references , which surely are essential for the chapters on spectroscopy , the book that could be said to be the best is Ralph and Joan Fessenden 's Organic Chemistry ( Willard Grant , 2nd ed ) .
18 A person who has parked his car on a road and left it unattended ca n't be said to be the driver of this offence .
19 If then you say that in such cases the mind thinks , I would only draw your attention to the fact that you are using a metaphor , that here the mind is an agent in a different sense from that in which the hand can be said to be the agent in writing .
20 Merleau-Ponty , on the other hand , arguing that only one Marxism , Stalinism , could be said to be the product of actual history , rejected any possibility of trying to define a new , more genuine Marxism as the return-to-Marxists tried to do .
21 But it still leaves us with the crucial problem that Sartre had to solve , namely how to link human consciousness with the processes of history so that the former can be said to be the agent of the latter .
22 The subject in the USA is , therefore , still implicitly dominated by one major theoretical perspective , and given the dominance of US scholars in the literature at large , Realism can be said to be the major current approach .
23 This may be said to be the effect of his thought that probably there are no decent seats left .
24 As the balloon expands , the distance between any two spots increases , but there is no spot that can be said to be the center of the expansion .
25 Can this properly be said to be the case with a play such as Doctor Faustus ?
26 Belief … may be said to be the state of mind of a person who says to himself : " I can not say I know for certain that these goods are stolen , but there can be no other reasonable conclusion in the light of circumstances …
27 Conscience gave her an uncomfortable nip , for it could n't exactly be said to be the height of honour for her to accept his invitation to dine in his home in the guise of a journalist when she was n't one , but Fabia went and studied her wardrobe .
28 Other major weaknesses were said to be the emphasis on skilled employment , of either the apprenticed or respectable kind , and the individualist approach to the problem .
29 These ‘ Masters ’ were said to be the hidden wise men who were spread around the world with the aim of bringing in a New World Order .
30 By 1991 , the Levellers , then without a chart hit to their name , were said to be the fourth most bankable live band in the country .
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