Example sentences of "[be] clear [that] it was " in BNC.

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1 To us it is clear that it was the forms of social organisation in which such evidence was carried that gave them this quality and not the intrinsic nature of the evidence itself .
2 It is not very clear whether section 17(2) adds a third element or is subsumed in ( b ) , but it is clear that it was intended to be more difficult to obtain an interlocutory injunction in trade dispute cases than in others .
3 Though Bede considered Oswald 's brother and successor , Oswiu , to have been the sixth of the overlords of the Anglo-Saxons ( HE 11 , 5 ) , it is clear that it was many years before Oswiu could securely establish himself as king even over all the northern Angles let alone as overlord of his southern neighbours and that this latter position was very short-lived .
4 It is clear that it was the sexual context ( and in particular , despite the judge 's protestations to the contrary , the gay sexual context ) of the ‘ assaults ’ that provoked Judge Rant 's ruling against consent being used as a defence and the harsh sentences which followed .
5 Even if we disregard the sporadic use of violence against the movement , and its infiltration by spies and agents provocateurs , it is clear that it was generally considered by the controlling bodies of universities and by party politicians as an illegitimate form of political action , even though its principal aim was to extend democratic participation in one of the most important institutions ( both economically and culturally ) of modern society , and in many cases it succeeded in enlivening academic studies , as well as improving methods of teaching and assessment .
6 Unfortunately , problems still remain with regard to delivery and it seems that in the case of an individual delivery will still be necessary as the old law still applies , with the result that a document will be treated as delivered when it is clear that it was intended by one of the parties that he was to be bound by the terms of the document .
7 Watching the event on TV it was clear that it was n't his putter that was the problem .
8 The effects were felt beyond Inverkeithing , for the manager of the Cunningham interest in the eastern burghs of the district , Captain James Cunningham , was clear that it was essential to have John Main and Colin Sharp back in their places before the election and Haldane 's friends removed , as ‘ it not only does harm in that one town , but in all the rest ; Haldane 's interest is cryed up , & the Haldanes can do every thing is the general talk … ’
9 When UNTCOK began to assess the situation in January 1948 it was clear that it was impossible to fulfil the conditions of the UN resolution .
10 However , from the teacher 's comments it was clear that it was very much intended .
11 While the Centre was not actually named , it was clear that it was Buklod that was being referred to .
12 Labour Scottish affairs spokesman , Henry McLeish , who obtained the document , said it was clear that it was political will which would determine whether the Highlands and Islands are successful .
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