Example sentences of "[be] likely [prep] [be] good " in BNC.

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1 Children who are familiar with the shape and sound of letters by the age of four are likely to be good readers at seven .
2 Teachers who have an enthusiasm and enjoyment for spoken and written language , and a care for it , have pupils who are likely to be good spellers .
3 But very soon pressure from the vassals — and also , it may be , the simple fact that a good vassal 's children were likely to be good vassals themselves — made it common , then normal , and finally an inherent part of the feudal contract that the grant was heritable .
4 For example , anywhere which derives its existence from the sea is likely to be good to draw — marine architecture , quaysides , boats , fishing — all the complicated mass of detail and shape which surround the activity of going to sea .
5 Selective abortion of such children for these abnormalities can not be justified when effective postnatal surgery is available and the outcome is likely to be good with a normal lifespan without disability .
6 It is in the nature of this kind of programme that it deals with several different topics , so the length of individual items is likely to be good for classroom use .
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