Example sentences of "[be] looking [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If gaunt-face had been looking up at the Clubroom windows in the hope of seeing Filmer — or of Filmer seeing him — maybe Filmer would come down to talk to him and maybe I could photograph them both together , which might one day prove useful .
2 It is also particularly difficult to discover your place in a speech after you have been looking up at the audience .
3 Since the death of Tito in 1980 , and with the growing economic crisis , which is felt by Serbians to have particularly affected them ( although there is , in fact , little evidence that Serbia 's relative position has fallen in comparison with Yugoslavia as a whole ) , a growing number of Serb intellectuals have been looking back over the past and asking themselves whether Serbia was discriminated against under ‘ Titoist ’ rule .
4 If it had been someone else 's funeral George would have been looking out for the nearest pub .
5 If she had n't been looking out for the signpost , she could easily have driven past without even realising it was there .
6 The success — I am looking out of the window at the thickly carpeted mountainside — comes from the knowledge of shared weakness , the weakness of both men and women in matters of sex and passion .
7 I am looking down on the world , but it does not stretch away over nebulous distant horizons .
8 A chasm separates us from the other side and now we are looking round for the bridge . ’
9 MORE people are looking in at the local , if figures from West Country brewer Devenish are any guide .
10 Dutch authorities are looking in to the incident .
11 I mean if you , you 're the burglar now and you 're planning to break in a house , and you 're looking around at the different houses and you 're trying to , one of the many things you 're trying to do is to establish whether they 're in or out .
12 Cos er , Mark last week said er , he 'd been approached by a wedding to do a disco , he said well I ca n't it 's a Saturday , and then he said well , you know , where are you having the reception , said well we 're looking round at the moment .
13 They 're looking up at the sign board , and holding each other 's hand .
14 Action round-up time now … two big events this week … we 're looking back on the RAC Rally and forward to the Hennesey Gold Cup
15 We were able to help him … we can see their house from our bedroom and we just happened to be looking out of the window at the time , do n't you know . ’
16 If Gerald Thomas went to his flat to pick him up , he would be looking out of the window waiting for his car to arrive .
17 Maybe in forty years time , people will be looking back at the good old days of the Nineties to see which rising stars started their careers playing North-East venues .
18 I 'm looking out at the moodily lit bathroom and wondering what I would do if I suddenly saw William appear out there , flight bags in hand , a Surprise , honey , I 'm home ! look on his face .
19 I 'm looking out of the window , putting off the moment when there will be nothing left to find out and all this has to end .
20 Long before they had passed the watershed and were looking over into the jaws of the mountains at the head of Loch Morar , young Angus felt he had strayed into a foreign country .
21 All eyes were looking up at the pit lane screens as every lap , every move , was relayed on to the tube
22 Alleycat and Digger were looking up at the stars in the sky .
23 His head had an odd tilt or cock to it , set on the shoulders as if he were looking up from the bars of a drop-handled bike .
24 They were looking down at the new Japanese car factory , Sakata , which had just opened in Humberside .
25 All had their sails up and all were looking out to the Solent , not back towards the red foils approaching them at 35 knots .
26 Vangmoor came up on the screen as if they were looking out of the window , but Vangmoor in summer without the wind and with leaves on the trees .
27 Now that circumstances have conspired to make an immediate share issue an unattractive option , Dell Computer Corp is looking around for the best alternative to raise cash to finance its soaraway growth .
28 The complete context picture depicted a young man standing in the street serenading his girlfriend who is looking out of the window at the top of a tall block of flats .
29 The ageing NI team is looking back on the key events of the last decade of the millennium .
30 People and animals portray in this , in the Tahiti painting , never seemed to be in a hurry , erm , even when always relaxed even when working and I wondered how much of this was cultural and erm , how much was due to the large amounts of erm drugs consumed in most paintings at this , this period but that I suppose I 'll , I 'll never know for sure about , erm with this painting I found in the background , er there 's a figure , that 's looking in on the situation and I , I for myself think 's its probably Gaugin , as he portrays himself as Christ , which I think he did quite a lot to me in , in , in a few of his paintings and so this painting gave me tremendous sense of being looked in on and this figure in the background , was the person that was doing the looking in .
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