Example sentences of "[be] available [prep] some [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Economists and economic historians have been interested in measuring poverty and wealth on a per capita basis for some time , and such data have been available for some of the advanced industrial countries for many years .
2 And though they too set social connection and sporting activities — hunting , combat , riding — above literacy , nevertheless it was possible to acquire learning at them ; the opportunities exploited by William V of Aquitaine , William the Conqueror , Robert the Frisian , and Fulk le Réchin — all regarded as educated men — must have also been available to some of those who were brought up with them .
3 For instance : * ACORN analyses are available for some of the major U.K. consumer panels .
4 Workbooks or exercises are available in some of the multi-media commercially available ‘ packages ’ for library instruction , such as those produced by the Travelling Workshops at Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic in the UK .
5 Immunisation is available for some of these infections , including rubella , although not every pregnant mother is vaccinated .
6 The broken , Monkish phrases , lean , understated tone with a faint quaver to it , and unerring sense of placement are to be heard on five Monk tunes , and the trumpeter , Don Cherry — a musician of whom it is distinctly difficult to say you know what is coming next — is available on some of them .
7 Indeed , where no obvious alternative response was available in some of their tasks , children who did not know the meaning of less typically opted for no response , or ‘ Do n't know . ’
8 Study 5 used a methodology relatively similar to that of the Hughes and Cole ( 1986 ) laboratory study to describe the information which was available in some of the films which were used in Studies 2 and 3 .
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