Example sentences of "[be] going [prep] be able " in BNC.

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1 This is probably your best choice where space is limited : you need a minimum of about 2.4m ( 8ft ) of space if you 're going to be able to get out of your car without being a contortionist .
2 Right erm I 'm not sure actually whether you 're going to be able to see this because .
3 So again we do need to practise coordination it needs to have lots of practice , it is of course frequently affected by certain types of illnesses er and , and again that may be inevitable but again the more past experience you 've acquired and the more , the greater your ability to fight back , even though you 're fighting a losing battle if it 's an illness , can you see it 's going to delay the difficult bit the difficult part longer , you 're going to be able to cope .
4 I do n't know if we 're going to be able to print anything here , but let's have erm F one for help .
5 I do n't think we 're going to be able to get it through .
6 I mean the seventy fifth we 're going to be able to use the window to great advantage , it 's going to be a great display time .
7 And there 's no way that we are going to be in a position to change your world , but we 're going to be able to change it slightly , not change it totally , .
8 We 're going to be able to see her . ’
9 so , so you are , you are encouraging that and presumably if anybody sets anything up they 're going to be able to keep it .
10 Mr Chairman we did tackle very successfully er under utilities where we employ an extra couple of officers , I even asked the question at for County Council what was going on , we , I think we 've got something further on the agenda elsewhere where we 're trying to keep our stand standards up , but I still feel that if we 're going to be able to deliver a promise we 've got to deliver it , if it means monitoring the erm utilities then I think we should do it .
11 er Chairman thank you for inviting me to come erm here today , er particularly as Mrs who 's the other member of erm , affected by the lorry ban on the A ten eighty eight it 's unfortunate unable to come , erm and thank you for including me in the er consultation process that you 're planning with Norfolk County Council , er Chairman obviously I wish to support this , but just erm if I could make a couple of observations on your paper , erm firstly particular relation to the discussion we just had about Brandon , erm , I am aware Mr Chairman you 've just described the er highways people in Norfolk as very reasonable , but I think that members will see particular if they look at problems like four point one that we do have to handle er working relationships with some care and I would want to express regret while I wo n't be less impolite than that , but Norfolk have not even seen fit to put up signs erm warning of the lorry ban erm in Thetford , erm , which shows er not exactly the spirit of co-operation , I hope we 're going to be able to achieve in the consultations about Brandon and I thought
12 They do n't know when they 're going to be able to drink their water without boiling it again .
13 What is controversial about functionalism is its claim that we are going to be able to make significant generalizations about behaviour only if we think about what is going on in the brain at a particular level of description .
14 If that is so I wonder how members of the public who have to go to the magistrates court are going to be able to travel to either Alton or Aldershot to have their cases heard ?
15 This group also has a sitting-in service , which is often necessary for carers if they are going to be able to get away and attend meetings at all .
16 The more successful it is , the more we are going to be able to offer subscribers , and that in itself should make it even more successful . ’
17 Teachers need to be able to understand and manage their own stress , to be able to deal with it effectively and intelligently , before they are going to be able even to think about what changes they would like to make , and to form realistic appraisals of what is possible .
18 State officials are dependent upon capitalist economic development and growth if they are going to be able to pursue their interests and sustain themselves in office , so they are constrained to act in the interests of capital , although not necessarily in its optimal interests ( Offe , 1984 ) .
19 Many of the Asian designers the US trade weekly talked to were worried about the 66MHz clock frequency , because at that speed , stray radiations become a serious problem and it is unlikely that garage operations are going to be able to knock up boards using the chip that will work .
20 You need to know where your blind spots are if you are going to be able to use the wing mirror of your intuition successfully .
21 The general concern expressed about the approach is whether the county courts are going to be able to cope with the significant extra workload .
22 PISCES Whether or not you are going to be able to fully exercise your ability to earn a high income is likely to be revealed this week !
23 The difficulty I think that we 're facing , is that it 's happening in year two of a four year transition period , before we 've really got to grips with what the long-term position is , what the overall demands are , and to what degree we are going to be able to model , change , control and , and influence those demands .
24 Would the minister like to say , like to welcome that initiative but also to ensure that the money which the South Thames tech are going to be able to put into that will be able to continue and not only continue in that one but to allow the increase of this after school provision so that those many women in my constituency and who , the many women in South London who are unemployed , will have the opportunity to get back to work and get back to training with that very necessary provision for child care .
25 The Hollywood tough-guy , whose new movie Patriot Games opens next month , admits : ‘ Every morning I ask myself : ‘ I wonder if I 'm going to be able to act today ? ’
26 As I 've said before , falconry has always fascinated me , and I hope I 'm going to be able to make my living at it one day .
27 ‘ But sometime I 'm going to be able to look for one , are n't I ?
28 And it does n't look as if I 'm going to be able to either , thought Donna irritably .
29 ‘ I do n't think I 'm going to be able to get the time off . ’
30 No he got stuck in London the night before because of the bad weather , and he started saying oh I 'm sorry I do n't think I 'm going to be able to make it .
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