Example sentences of "[be] an element [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There has always been an element of surprise at the discovery that Britain is not wholly urbanised .
2 It is reasonable to ask whether there had been an element of choice in it all .
3 The truth is that there has always been an element of unreality in this view .
4 Of course Hayward 's physical condition was such that he could no longer live alone — he had spent the war years as a guest of the Rothschilds in Cambridge and there must have been an element of sympathy or even pity in Eliot 's invitation to him ; the presence of old-fashioned Yankee rectitude in his character , and the quiet acceptance of " duty " in his role as Hayward 's companion and helper , can not be ignored .
5 If Mr X gives property to his settlement there will clearly have been an element of bounty .
6 Never had anything been so well trumpeted to me ; surely there had been an element of hyperbole from so many colleagues and friends who had been going to the jamboree for years ?
7 They have n't shown the political will to sort out the problem — there has been an element of divide and rule .
8 The relocations issue , on relocations the County Council uses past land take-up , there will be an element of relocations included within that land take-up figure in so far as land which is vacated on small sites and falls to another use that is that is not counted .
9 There may be an element of self-neglect : normal standards of personal hygiene are lowered — showers are taken less frequently , clothes unwashed , things not tidied up , meals thrown together .
10 However , the more primitive the skill the more there must be an element of chance .
11 Added to this must be an element of chance in that not everything can be evenly distributed nor is disturbance predictable , as reflected in the ‘ first come , first served ’ stands of pioneers .
12 We 've heard a lot about the accuracy of the continuing bombardments , but erm anybody who 's been in a war will tell you that erm once you 're in a war situation , things do n't always go the way you expect them to , in fact there has to be an element of luck and erm the accuracy of bombing in particular erm sometimes leaves something to be required .
13 Or there may be an element of retaliation for past suffering .
14 And so there must be an element of doubt over having updated from nineteen eighty one here to nineteen eighty nine .
15 And er er and and that that these have er substantial advantages for them and and do n't know but but there 's got to be an element of doubt .
16 However , in many instances there will also be an element of damages for personal injuries of varying severity .
17 ‘ There could just be an element of risk involved for her .
18 There will always be an element of risk attached to activities such as hillwalking , skiing , abseiling and canoeing .
19 While this might well be regarded as an extreme example of questionable missionary methods , there may be an element of justification in Gandhi 's injunction to those who would convert India by such dubious means , namely , ‘ Physician , heal thyself ’ .
20 For most other jobs that we take on in life , there will be an element of training , but , in the case of achieving or maintaining health through diet , this is not always so .
21 It should be noted that the definition of " settlement " in TA 1988 , s681(4) is applied to the overseas capital gains tax regime in TCGA 1992 , s97(7) and it is clear that before a settlement can exist under that code ( which excludes s86 ) there must be an element of bounty ( IRC v Plummer 54 TC 1 ) .
22 It 's not just that drama teachers are nostalgic romantics who hanker for a simpler way of life ( though there may well be an element of truth in that ) ; it 's that these self-contained communities can not easily call upon outside forces to solve their problems .
23 There may well be an element of compulsion involved in civil disobedience , but it differs from coercion in that it is aimed at securing mutual co-operation and understanding in accordance with a dialectical quest for truth .
24 After all , there was bound to be an element of cross matching , was there not ?
25 No the , we 're moving about a bit now , there 'll be an element of long-line but there is er I know a lot of ladies will be relieved to know , there is a shorter length coming back in .
26 There may appear to be an element of paradox in the notion of semantic relations between lexical units whose meanings , at least on the strong version of the contextual view , are partially constituted by those very relations .
27 This discussion has actually sort of change my perspective on it erm and so it 's it 's not that there 's an element of doubt in my mind I 'm just I if I 'm gon na go into something it 's got to be a hundred percent .
28 But that 's not to say that the picture is totally without threat — I think there 's an element of threat in those blue spots — there 's a sort of feeling of disease and consumption almost .
29 There 's an element of hope but it 's hard to find .
30 There 's an element of hope but it 's hard to find .
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