Example sentences of "[be] judge [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The usual aim is to carve up a constituency in such a way that first-preferences will be spread evenly between candidates whose chances of election are judged to be good .
2 Sodalities , such as the Legion of Mary , Opus Dei , and Christian Life communities , have partially extended this form of commitment to some , particularly more middle-class laity , and continue to have an important role in activating laity for what are judged to be religious goals both personally and socially .
3 Disney , which has always refused to concede contractors ' claims , declared yesterday that its payment to CGCE which has undertaken £13.5m of work on the Paris theme park was related ‘ only to those of the group 's claims which are judged to be well-founded . ’
4 Second , MI5 alone determines who and which organisations are judged to be subversive .
5 The findings also reportedly indicate that even Europeans , who are judged to be two to three times more interested in Unix than Americans , reject the notion of Unix on the desktop , reckoning MS-DOS and Windows are sufficient , allowing for a move to NT where necessary down the road .
6 Whereas most research on listening uses academically successful individuals as subjects ( typically undergraduates ) , the project studies the behaviour of 14-16 year olds in secondary schools , being particularly concerned with differences in strategies , or use of strategies , between those who are judged within the school system to be academically successful and those who are judged to be unsuccessful .
7 Some engineers prefer claims under the ICE Conditions of Contract to be based on Clause 14 programme and tender assumptions , providing that the tender assumptions are judged to be reasonable .
8 Fish are judged to be unfit for human consumption at just 2 ppm .
9 Thus , J's first contribution here can be judged to be relevant in terms of the existing topic framework and also to add some information to the topic framework .
10 Its task is the Defence of the Realm as a whole , from external and internal dangers arising from attempts of espionage and sabotage , or from actions of persons and organisations whether directed from within or without the country , which may be judged to be subversive of the State .
11 Its task is the Defence of the Realm as a whole , from external and internal dangers arising from attempts at espionage and sabotage , or from actions of persons and organizations whether directed from within or without the country , which may be judged to be subversive of the State .
12 assists the Security Service [ M15 , M16 ] in defending the realm against attempts at espionage and sabotage or from the actions of persons and organisations whether directed from within or without the country which may be judged to be subversive to the State .
13 Even when increased authenticity might be judged to be desirable on motivational grounds , one is faced with the problem that the process of learning depends on the recognition of underlying regularities , on the identification of salient and essential features from all the accidental complexities of actual behaviour .
14 That can not be judged to be fair or equitable . ’
15 Out of a group of 80 patients with Crohn 's disease treated with elemental diet 48% were judged to be unsuitable for the food exclusion study .
16 As Table 5 shows , 66 per cent of the investigations conducted alone by the Team resulted in partial or complete substantiation , 20 per cent were judged to be unsubstantiated and well intentioned and 14 per cent were unsubstantiated and suspected of being maliciously intended .
17 Middlesbrough motorists were slightly more safety conscious , 65pc of the tyres checked were judged to be illegal and 10pc had sidewall damage .
18 Three types of abnormal results were recognised and all abnormal results were judged to be one of these types : rapid emptying , slow emptying , or biphasic emptying ( early rapid emptying followed by normal or slow emptying ) .
19 Serials were judged to be weekly productions , often year-round in production , that would always end on a note prompting the viewer to tune in again next week to watch the continuation .
20 There is no doubt that in the past this is where depreciation accounting has floundered , as an addition to the existing system : local taxes were judged to be incapable of bearing the additional burden .
21 Environmental pressure groups , such as the Sierra Club , have used this right on several occasions to press the EPA to take action : for example , environmental groups argued through the courts that Congress intended the EPA regularly to issue air quality standards for pollutants that were judged to be widespread and hazardous to public health .
22 The unity of the New Testament , the fact that it contains not every Christology , but only those which were judged to be faithful to the original testimony , reflect the origin of the gospel in the one unique person of Jesus ( Newbigin 1978:176 ) .
23 On 67 per cent of the farms there was no primary school , and only 5 per cent had adult literacy classes , of which only one-third were judged to be satisfactory .
24 The main findings were that the continuations were judged less acceptable when the pronoun 's antecedent was introduced by the verb ( 54 versus 92% ) and that even when the continuations were judged to be acceptable the judgements were made more slowly ( 2281 versus 1871 ms ) .
25 Those retained were judged to be free of accusations of corruption , although questions were immediately asked about Ricardo Fiuza , the Social Action Minister who , in violation of the electoral law prohibiting donations to individuals , had admitted receiving US$100,000 from the Brazilian Banking Federation to finance his 1990 re-election campaign to the Chamber of Deputies .
26 Well er the I mean there has been a slight complexity with the replacement er programme of course because er er E F two thousand was originally envisaged that it would replace the phantoms er as as as as well as the jaguars and now that er has altered with the decision in options to er get rid of er the phantom squadrons , we 've er been able to adjust the replacement programme such that er the aircraft E F two thousand will replace er the erm er the jaguar and some of the F threes er and the programme will be adjusted such that we get er the most cost effective er mixture of replacement of those two types and there is no problem with keeping the jaguar going until that stage and it may well be it is , is being judged to be cheaper that we should er do some F three replacement at the same time , again partly for cost reasons because it 's gon na be more cost effective to do it that way .
27 In the history of social improvement and development , compacts and other examples of ‘ limited ’ ( e.g. ‘ feel good ’ ) partnership activities run the risk of being judged to be brief and enthusiastic failures .
28 Unauthorised disclosure to the media is no longer described as a ‘ potentially serious breach of contract ’ ( see Lancet Oct 24 , 1992 , p 1031 , and Nov 21 , p 1277 for draft guidance ) , but the new advice says that if such disclosure is judged to be unjustified it could result in disciplinary action .
29 This would particularly apply where the risk of suicide is judged to be high .
30 is judged to be acceptable , because it can be ‘ completed ’ by squirted with the hose , and that exact phrase occurs in the first part of the sentence .
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