Example sentences of "[be] hand back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In October 1944 the Leaders faced the problem of redecorating the Primary School room which had been handed back to the church after having been in use during the War as a First Aid Post for a unit of the St John 's Ambulance Brigade led by Miss Mary Lutton .
2 Baby One has been handed back to the local health authority and is being cared for at another hospital .
3 German embassy officials in Moscow said the unframed pictures , contained in a battered brown portfolio , had been handed back to the embassy by a former Red Army officer who insisted on remaining anonymous .
4 Four bags of toxic waste which were found abandoned on the Oxford ring road have been handed back to the company that lost them .
5 In the full light of 5 Corps " insistence that the Cossacks could not be handed back without the use of force , the conference ruled that nevertheless the Cossacks should be handed back , without qualification .
6 They have to reveal all , and if something goes wrong how are they to know that all that information will not be handed back to the secret police from whom they are trying to escape by seeking asylum ?
7 Well after the , the aircraft had actually er left the airport to go , be handed back to the RAF they said sometimes had to be serviced or final adjustments made and that 's what they used to go out there for but erm Helliwells was ver it was still , all through the war it was Helliwells aircraft they used to have their own lorries and everything and they used to erm , be under the auspices of the Air Ministry but it was very much a private company .
8 To overcome the problem of missing and lost keys and keys not being handed back by the guest on departure and to combat the problem of security by which unauthorised persons obtain keys to rooms , many hotels are going to the expense of installing keyless locks on their rooms .
9 However , she only keeps it for a few weeks before it is handed back to the new Lady Mayoress by the sheriff for the price of a kiss .
10 If all is satisfactory the credit card is handed back to the customer with a copy of the sales voucher and a receipted bill .
11 The cordon , supported by joint mobile patrols from the RUC and other elements of the battalion , remained in place until the whole area was declared clear at 1600 hours on 30 June , and responsibility for operations in the area was handed back to the police .
12 As he was handed back into the Tolbooth , there was a bustle at another door — a man 's face , focusing suddenly into familiarity : James , a patch of high colour on each cheekbone , red on white , his hair more grizzled than Cameron remembered , looking ahead of him with wide eyes .
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