Example sentences of "[be] closely [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 In other words there must be processes of recording and retrieval and the underlying mechanisms must be closely integrated with the mechanism of the store .
2 Any military response would have to be closely co-ordinated with the allies .
3 In some ill-explained way , manpower needs were held also to be closely linked with a shortage of mathematics and science graduates so that emphasis on strengthening and ‘ modernising ’ mathematics and science curricula at all levels was strong .
4 They will also be closely linked with the final step in the research , which is that of relating the findings to established theory .
5 Carson ( 1971 ) identified the achievement that had already been made by the mechanics approach and predicted that more would follow , but that because most erosional processes are weathering-limited to varying degrees , therefore on a geological time-scale erosion mechanics must be closely linked with the mechanics and chemistry of rock breakdown .
6 Erwin Guzmán Gutiérrez , one of the country 's leading drug traffickers thought to be closely linked with the Colombian Calí cartel , surrendered on July 11 after having been given a guarantee of " juridical security " .
7 The first emperor 's new image may be closely associated with the establishment of the new constitution , for it first appears on coins minted in the eastern city of Pergamum in 27–26 BC .
8 Because of the nature of personal involvement in education ( in a deaf school a teacher may be closely associated with the same child for a number of years ) the form of treatment used relates to the personality and experience of the educator .
9 Fortunately dietary intervention from before conception seems to have a favourable influence on outcome , which seems to be closely associated with the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia very early in gestation .
10 Using the example of the work of Bourdieu , it has been argued that , although the object may be closely associated with the most fundamental and hidden aspects of socialization , this does not mean that it must be analysed only by determinant , rule-based objectivist procedures , since as an instrument of social strategy it retains a high degree of flexibility .
11 Given the Cold War political climate of the time and Sartre 's ideological need to be closely associated with the PCF , it is hardly surprising that the campaign to set the record straight on Nizan was given a low priority .
12 For the remainder of his life he was to be closely associated with the building of Salisbury 's new cathedral .
13 The particular vibrations excited are often found to be closely associated with the electronic transition within whose band the exciting radiation falls , and this can sometimes be useful in assigning electronic transitions .
14 Noble had been in hiding since his participation in the December 1989 coup attempt against the Aquino government — the most serious to date — and was believed to be closely associated with the Reform the Armed Forces Movement ( RAM ) , the dissident movement within the military led by the now fugitive colonel , Gregorio " Gringo " Honasan .
15 Participant observation , for example , although it developed more or less outside of any strong theoretical tradition but simply as a way of getting research of a particularly descriptive kind done , in sociology has come to be closely associated with the symbolic interactionist tradition .
16 Yet old age within modern society appears to be closely associated with an increased experience of isolation .
17 Though the Treaty of Kanghwa had stated Korea to be independent , the concept of a tributary relationship remained significant in thinking in both China and Korea , and during the early decades of the Meiji period China maintained a strong influence in the peninsula , being closely identified with the more conservative element whose dominance was resented by so many Japanese .
18 Numbers and peak dates vary annually , the sighting of large movements being closely correlated with the occurrence of south-easterly winds ; Cooper ( 1975 ) , however , noted that the peak off Beachy Head usually occurred between 11 and 20 April .
19 From 1841 to 1846 Vidal was occupied in surveying the Azores in Styx , being closely associated with the authorities in Lisbon .
20 Kim and his associates were closely identified with the Kuomintang government in China led by Chiang Kai-shek .
21 The medieval rulers of the Serbs were closely identified with the struggle for the autonomy of the Serbian Church .
22 Individual virions were closely apposed with a relatively uniform interparticle distance ( 6-20 nm ) , indicating crosslinking by NIP.BSA .
23 Dolphins were closely linked with the gods , and were a complex symbol associated not only with innocent love and friendship , beauty and harmony , and erotic love , but also with darker areas of death and destruction .
24 She concludes that , on balance , the RMCs have done an excellent job and that the most successful ones have been based on colleges or groups of colleges which already had pockets of energy and entrepreneurial spirit and like the South West RMC were closely linked with the communities they served .
25 SENIOR Bulgarian Communist Party leaders yesterday offered to resign after high-level accusations that they were closely associated with the fallen hardline leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov , and had implemented few changes since coming to power .
26 The waits performed the bull tune in the period surrounding the bull festival and were closely associated with the bellman , who would walk around the town between midnight and two in the morning on the days when the waits were not playing .
27 The early bull-running was administered by a secret guild of mason-like bull priests who were closely associated with the ancient university .
28 In 1939 it was bought by two genteel but eccentric sisters , Caroline Lucas and Frances Byng-Stamper , who were closely associated with the Bloomsbury group .
29 Within the wider group of Moslem countries , Iranian and Pakistani leaders were closely associated with the search for a peace formula .
30 This would have forced the resignation of many of the League 's leading members who were closely associated with the Communists .
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