Example sentences of "[be] easy for [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 You may remember that Cliff wore a thumb pick and two National finger picks , hence the octaves section in bars 9 and 10 would have been easier for him to pick cleanly than if he 'd used a flat pick and no fingerstyle .
2 With family support of the kind practised here in Bristol , the situation would have been easier for me to accept .
3 Their closeness was less due to their nearness in age — though with only eighteen months between them it had been easy for them to grow up with similar interests and shared confidences — than to the fact that neither of their parents had ever made much of them .
4 ‘ It would have been easy for me to bring in someone without any experience and ease them into the job , ’ said Stapleton , now 36 .
5 It 's easy and it would have been easy for me to get up on a platform or to go into the department and say , look lads , you know , we feel that you 're justified in walking out the door .
6 It would have been easy for him to take it off .
7 It had not been easy for him to gain readmission .
8 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
9 Raynor paused , looking down into the half-closed eyes , and saw Grainne smile , and saw , as well , that despite her apparent tranquillity , she had been nervous , and that it had not been easy for her to come to his room .
10 It would have been easy for her to pass for a white girl .
11 It would have been easy for you to lose five pounds ’ worth of lead as you saddled up .
12 ‘ Without intimate knowledge of the business , it would have been easy for you to make an unintentional slip .
13 It would have been easy for anyone to reach in and yank a club out of the bag . ’
14 It may be easier for them to talk to a fellow inmate . ’
15 When you asked me to undertake a review of the management of the Prison Service , I told you that I thought my recommendations would be easier for me to make than for you to implement , but you assured me you believed the climate was ready for some radical change .
16 For example , if we seek a document on the economic history of Germany and we know that works on history are arranged first by country , then by social process and then by period , it will be easier for us to find this document than if the subdivision was less systematic .
17 The guards had always said that they were n't bothered about anyone in British gaols , so we 'd hoped it would be easier for us to get out than for the others .
18 The so the equations they give you your ability to handle equations means really it would be easier for you to do it without a graph , half the time .
19 If you have any infection , your immune system wo n't be working as well and it will be easier for you to get other infections including HIV .
20 It will not be easy for him to do so .
21 It will not be easy for him to justify dismissing you because of any lack of capability on your part where that could have been anticipated when you were originally offered the job .
22 It is unlikely to be easy for them to decide , on their working-class pupils ' behalf , that personal fulfilment derives solely from their inner selves and their environment , unrelated to questions of higher social status and improved working and leisure conditions .
23 and partly because I had to have an operation which meant that it would n't be easy for me to live in the flats any longer .
24 ‘ It would be easy for her to become your affair , and that could be tragic for all of you . ’
25 That feeling of bloating , being stuffed and lethargic , will be so unlike how you normally feel that it will be easy for you to tell when you have eaten too much before you really eat too much .
26 Jay Chauhan , director of the Asian Forum , said ‘ It would be easy for us to lay the blame at the door of Western society .
27 Particularly Old Speckled Hen could survive ; they 've only been brewing it there in its present form for 2 years and it would be easy for us to transfer that production to their specifications using Morland 's yeast .
28 With cool detachment he had explained clearly and in terms that were easy for her to grasp how the various items of equipment worked , only lapsing into irritation or sarcasm when he thought she was not making enough effort .
29 I tell them to pay in metal , it is easier for me to negotiate , but they always reply that it 's too hard for them to get .
30 Ah computational modelling is easier for me to present to you but then the role of context might become more important so you can appreciate it , in which case I shall give you that first .
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