Example sentences of "[be] sure [conj] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am sure that many of the competitors , and other guests over the years , would like to join me in saying this big ‘ Thank You ’ , too .
2 Mr. Wakeham : The Order Paper is designed primarily for the use of right Hon. and Hon. Members , and I am sure that many of us who have become familiar with its style and format would — contrary to the Hon. Gentleman 's belief find the changes that he proposes considerably less convenient .
3 Will the Prime Minister confirm that the Secretary of State for Employment will no longer be able to participate in the Social Affairs Council — I am sure that many of our partners will not miss him — and , if that is so , will he consider demoting him and reducing his salary ?
4 We could n't get the centenary of the Origin of Species into our programme — that was nineteen fifty nine and we had n't started then — but I did persuade tonight 's speaker to deliver one of our early centenary lectures on the subject of Darwin 's subsequent book , that is the book on the Descent of Man , which appeared in eighteen seventy one , and I am sure that those of you who were there on that occasion in December eighteen seventy one will remember it as a stimulating and
5 I am sure that some of your In Touch readers will be able to help . ’
6 Now er , before I put the resolution to the vote er , er , I 'm sure that all of us would welcome any comments or suggestions or questions that any of you might wish to put to us here .
7 Erm , nor I think are there any proposals to change the grading or pay honorarium to P As to reflect there work on these files , er , I 'm not sure whether the assumption that this would n't be taken into account by the W R is sound , because I think one of the principles that I recall was that he were meant to ensure that that each of these job evaluation panels had somebody from each office so that an account could be taken of the different practices , I mean I 'm sure that , I 'm sure that each of the three offices in the er deal with things in a different way , so that er what gets done by one person here is not necessarily done by people in Coventry and York , and that in fa in London , and that also holds good in the other way , I think .
8 If there are savings , identified savings in the Chief Executives department , I 'm sure that that from those to this should be the way forward , but er , I 'm happy to second what Mr said , erm , with th and that is in three with the addition of in consultation with the county supplies officer .
9 I hope all of you know or have met this good friend of the Hundred I 'm sure that most of you have and he has with him today a guest from Germany , Herr and his charming daughter er and Mr was a member of the and has provided invaluable information here , who as you know is doing a , a comprehensive book on the monster mission and in commemoration of what we have done today , we have a letter addressed to er the Hundredth Bomb Group Memorial Association U K , from the Most Reverend Doctor the Bishop of Munster which I would like to read to you .
10 I 'm sure that some of them will help me . ’
11 Erm well I mean I think there 's some very fundamental issues in all this in , in the communication spectrum first of all using the phrase back to basics , what do people mean by that and that 's where the , they , they have gone wrong because the problem is that here we are , four people round this table and I 'm sure if all of us were asked what do we mean by getting back to basics , we 'll come out with a totally different you know set of things that meanings .
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