Example sentences of "[be] clear that he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 From these it is clear that he identified completely with the men in the outposts , believing as they did that if all was well in the boma the empire could be left to take care of itself .
2 In this he was only following in Lanfranc 's footsteps , and it is clear that he expected the king to exercise more authority in ecclesiastical affairs than the more ‘ advanced ’ ecclesiastical theorists of his time thought tolerable .
3 From Jacob 's correspondence it is clear that he knew little of Modigliani 's life in the last years .
4 It has been said that he provided no leadership and lacked control of the episcopate , and it is clear that he waited on events in 1326–7 , only casting his lot with Isabella and Mortimer when the king 's cause was obviously lost .
5 ‘ In any case , it is clear that he had made his mind up .
6 Nothing is known of his early life , but it is clear that he acquired practical experience of chemistry and engineering .
7 Writing these articles increased Marx 's interest in the nature of these societies and it is clear that he read widely , especially about India .
8 When he introduced the report in the house , my right honourable friend , the member for Kingston upon Thames made is clear that he accepted them all and that the government was committed to carrying them out .
9 Paul writes that he is ‘ in ’ God — and as we look at the way that he wrote other letters , it is clear that he made a great effort to maintain that special relationship .
10 Gloucester was much in demand as an arbiter and as a source of legal redress , and it is clear that he took the matter seriously .
11 Gloucester was much in demand as an arbiter and as a source of legal redress , and it is clear that he took the matter seriously .
12 Whether this visit took place after Anselm 's return to England in September 1100 is unclear , but Anselm left the pope in no doubt about his view of the matter , and the pope promised to send no legate with authority over Canterbury during Anselm 's life time ; but it is clear that he did not , and could not , accept the Canterbury claim made by Anselm , that he should never appoint a legate in England other than the archbishop himself .
13 If so , it is clear that he gave up after a short while , returned to E ( which needed a fresh set of running titles before printing could resume ) and finished it off regardless .
14 His biographer attributes the protracted proceedings there to Hamo 's unwillingness to bribe the cardinals ( although it is clear that he retained at least Cardinal William Testa at the curia ) , as well as to the proliferation of other candidates with royal support .
15 Although he has been accused , of course , of social snobbery , I think it 's clear that he observed the life around him closely and critically .
16 By his expression , it was clear that he thought she was lying .
17 It was clear that he judged marriage — at least partly — as an additional burden in an already busy life : ‘ It is the most difficult thing , I think , trying to work out how you can have a family life as well as all the public demands that there are .
18 It was clear that he understood less of the film than she did , and cared less .
19 When we played at his club in Westwood and I beat him comfortably , he discussed the result with his friends in such a way that it was clear that he had deliberately thrown the match in order to contribute to our personal relationship .
20 Although the sentencer did not expressly mention section 53(2) , it was clear that he had allowed a substantial discount for the pleas of guilty .
21 Wilson would talk at great length and it became clear to me that the number of people in whom he could confide safely was very small ; in fact it was clear that he had few , if any , complete political friends .
22 Neither of them had heard the door open , but suddenly Tom was there , and it was clear that he had heard Faye 's last words .
23 It was clear that he made her life happier than it had been , but she still had to put up with the desperately uncomfortable conditions and go out on her terrifying foraging expeditions .
24 Alexei 's expression was anguished , and it was clear that he wished himself elsewhere .
25 ‘ They pretended that Paul was hit by a ricochet , but the evidence was clear that he 'd been hit by a direct shot .
26 Terry seemed to have settled in easily to Army life , but although Joe made no complaints it was clear that he missed the family .
27 Remembering my conversations with him at the end of 1975 and the beginning of 1976 , it was clear that he wanted fresh fields to conquer , that he thought he had more than proved himself as a racing driver and that he thought he could , with no great difficulty , follow a Bruce McLaren , for instance , and make his own way in cars of his own .
28 But it was clear that he wanted to make as much money out of me as he could .
29 I mean , it was clear that he wanted to talk , but we did n't really get down to what was bothering him .
30 But from the nature of the reply which came from his private office , it was clear that he wanted a personal talk .
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