Example sentences of "[be] change [adv] [coord] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If the symptoms of a latent miasmatic state appear , the remedy should be changed suitably and if a nosode is chosen then the centesimal scale will have to be used as except for Bacillunum these are not available in fifty millesimal form ( the Helios Pharmacy now has most nosodes available as LM 's ) .
2 Although doubt has been cast on that finding by the results of the national survey ( see Parker 1982 : 90 ) , McGoldrick and Cooper 's research was conducted after the national survey and it has helped to encourage a view that attitudes towards early retirement are changing significantly and that it is being regarded more and more favourably by older workers ( see for example , House of Commons Select Committee on Social Services 1982 ) .
3 These roles were pursued at a time when the ideas , language , and values underpinning social care were changing rapidly and when resource constraints were worsening .
4 As soon as I see that a patient 's breathing pattern is changing dramatically or that the eye movement behind the closed lids is altering , I instruct him to be aware of and to understand all that is happening but to see it as if on a film or television screen , so that he is completely detached and feels no physical or mental distress whatsoever .
5 In effect the process of consultation and decision was cut off at a point where the situation was changing rapidly and when the leading contenders for office had in fact agreed to express their willingness to serve under Mr R. A. Butler .
6 It was a secret that made her even more different , because now that people were saying that she was turning into the dark beauty her mother had been , she knew much more about why men and women made babies , that it was n't because it was a duty to God but because they enjoyed it ; and seeing him in church every week , noticing that his voice was going deep and that her own body was changing too and that they were becoming man and woman made her think about him and long for him more and more : she wanted to have him completely , entirely for herself .
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