Example sentences of "[be] anything [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Make sure , too , it is a feeding roll you are seeing and not any other kind of activity — though it is unlikely to be anything other than a feeding roll at that time of day .
2 Given such a state of affairs , the parallels and analogies which comrade Preobrazhensky has constructed could not be anything other than a childish game of terminology .
3 Through an amplifier , the New York maintains its acoustic brightness and bluntly refuses to be anything other than a blank canvas .
4 If evil were only the absence of good , for instance , then the Ring could never be anything other than a psychic amplifier ; it would not ‘ betray ’ its possessors , and all they would need do is put it aside and think pure thoughts .
5 By the time that I began to work with Ahmed and Amitha , I had resolved within myself that I could n't be anything other than a Black lesbian and that was in itself its own political identity , one that did not require validation from either the women 's , gay or Black movements .
6 For her it was one of the few instances where Susan was allowed to be anything other than a 15-year-old schoolgirl .
7 In other words , Offa may never have wished this to be anything other than a wholly Mercian ceremony .
8 But nothing and no one could ever really convince him that a world where fathers just disappeared one day and never returned could be anything other than a pitiful sham , a transparent hoax .
9 How could this right of election be anything other than a fiction if the breach of the term in all circumstances deprives the innocent party of substantially the whole benefit which it was intended that he should receive ?
10 It 's as good a theory as any to explain it , because lord knows I never intended this to be anything other than a business arrangement . ’
11 You really need not fear that Dr. Briant will be anything other than an excellent father to this child .
12 If you guys really want to be anything more than a footnote in the annals of British history get this — ‘ Egalitarianism is for Losers ’ .
13 Yet when one starts to look at the overall picture a little more deeply , will the obvious strengthening of what will be nine single Championship weeks , be anything more than a move which enables the rich to get richer and actually sets into motion what could become a long term contraction , rather than expansion of the sport , especially if the much-needed revival in the world economy takes longer to become bullish than some of the optimists have been forecasting .
14 To put it another way , bargaining provides the cement essential if the American polity is to be anything more than a conglomeration of unintegrated fragments .
15 Could it be anything more than a compulsion to take the eternal conflict between the sexes to the ultimate battleground ?
16 These need not be anything more than the rough headings under which the detailed questions will fall .
17 The lack of communication to others has only in part been due to our own ineptness at salesmanship ; it more likely lies in a fairly deeply embedded resistance to drama being anything other than a community art — not just a performing art , a community art .
18 Do not let anyone — pilots , the RAF or the CAA — fool themselves that CANP is anything other than a hastily improvised system put together after the collision of a Phantom and a Pawnee in 1974 , when it had to be shown that something was being done .
19 It is not even certain that rex Anglorum is anything other than a later tenth- or eleventh-century interpolation in those charters of the reign in which it appears .
20 It is slightly absurd for people to pretend that the ’ three wise men ’ report is anything other than a valuable contribution to the raising of standards in our schools .
21 Unlike some of its competitors , Bull says it has yet to work out whether or not Posix compatibility for proprietary systems is anything more than a marketing gimmick , and so it has not yet embarked on the expensive process of adapting the GCOS operating systems to comply with Posix .
22 Michael Middleton might argue ‘ that Minton is aware of man , … in relation to nature , to his self-constructed civilisation , to the passing moment , ’ but his failure to establish for his figures a setting that is anything more than a backcloth , limited the humanism inherent in his work , as well as its social or political relevance .
23 Some evidence for a layered structure was found , but whether this is anything more than a local feature is unknown .
24 I think that is the issue and on the basis of the distribution of settlements , er now there 's nothing there to suggest to me that er there 's anything other than the level playing field at the outset of perhaps of that exercise .
25 He has never been anything other than a raggamuffin , and that 's why his fans identify with him totally .
26 From the first moments , when my brothers and I stood there incredulous as Blyth screamed and jumped and tugged at his leg , to the tearful farewell of Blyth 's parents and Diggs taking statements ( a bit even appeared in the Inverness Courier which was picked up for its curiosity value by a couple of the Fleet Street rags ) , not one person even suggested that it might have been anything other than a tragic and slightly macabre accident .
27 He was too much of a loser to have been anything more than a hired hand .
28 But this does n't mean that I am anything less than an enthusiastic supporter of Scottish rugby .
29 However in many cases it is doubtful whether these are anything other than the traditional wage system in a new disguise — for ‘ merit ’ , ‘ loyalty ’ and ‘ cooperation ’ , which are often tied to length of service have been used as major criteria for wage increases granted in this fashion … managements have not proceeded hastily towards full-blown wage rationalization because of their own concern with preserving worker identification with the enterprise …
30 But is there any real evidence that such zodiacs are anything more than the product of an overactive imagination ?
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