Example sentences of "[be] able [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 's only groggy , not out , but you 're able to secure him to the bed with the other set of handcuffs and the leather straps from the same drawer the hood came from .
2 Paul reminded Timothy " how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus " .
3 The study is particularly concerned with the extent to which social science research students acquire skills in quantitative methods and are able to use them after making the transition to employment in social science research .
4 Rather , while ageing is often experienced as a disruptive life event , some people find that they are able to accommodate themselves to the changes — both practical and emotional — in their lives .
5 But even if we are able to accommodate ourselves to the fact that our parents were not altogether " good " from the child 's viewpoint , we may still retain the ideal in our minds .
6 And without doubt , many birds as well as pigeons , are able to guide themselves by the earth 's magnetism .
7 Although social classes change over time , they are able to reproduce themselves to the extent that they can maintain their distinctive position in the social structure within and across generations .
8 Since their premises are not open to the public , and they do not engage in retail trade , they are able to establish themselves in locations where overheads are cheaper .
9 But we have found that with support , especially in information technology and communication , they are able to complete it with success . ’
10 A situation in which speakers of a dialect , or non-standard English , are able to express themselves in Standard English in order to cope with social situations , improve their position in society , and operate successfully in the business world .
11 The complicated problems surrounding the temperature management of prepared food for volume consumption are all too apparent by the time you get your meal on the plate and are able to eat it in comfort .
12 But if you see the top man around the business you are able to look him in the eye and tell whether you can trust him or not .
13 This does not mean that all pensioners live in poverty , but the effect of age discrimination is to depress the whole of this group 's income and it is only those with access to higher incomes through , for example , substantial occupational pensions , who are able to cushion themselves against the economic consequences .
14 To a great extent eyes are able to take over the function of keeping us upright because we are able to orientate ourselves by seeing our own position in relation to the world around .
15 Please confirm that you are able to make it to my personal assistant .
16 We are able to resume ourselves after sleep , after an alcoholic stupor , after an epileptic fit , after prolonged coma .
17 However , once you have the hang of it , you will find that you are able to free yourself in a matter of seconds and still leave the ropes tied round your own and an accomplice 's wrists .
18 ‘ Which , ’ continued his visitor , ‘ is why I am able to assist you with your enquiries . ’
19 She had denied everything , but , as Lori must have known , she had n't been able to save herself by denouncing her cousin .
20 He had no official status and no powers of arrest , but once he 'd identified Alina then the two officers along with him would have been able to detain her on immigration charges .
21 She wished that she had been able to spot him in the crowd .
22 The colour is obvious with a telescope , but I confess that I have never been able to detect it with binoculars , even × 20 .
23 It is rather faint ; I can just see it with × 12 and easily with × 20 , but I have never been able to detect it with × 7 .
24 He is a very nice horse but we have not been able to test him in Dubai , ’ said Conway .
25 With the binoculars that they carried , they must have been able to see her from the moment that she set out .
26 NDEs come in two forms : out-of-body floating ( where a person claims to have been able to see himself from above ) and swirling tunnels of light .
27 I have never been able to see it with the naked eye ( as some observers claim to have done ) , but it is not hard to find with × 7 , and it is easy with × 8.5 .
28 It is of the eighth magnitude , but I admit that I have never been able to see it with certainty even with × 20 binoculars , though it is easy enough in a telescope .
29 With × 20 it is not hard to locate , somewhat to the northwest of Zeta and in the same field with it ; I can glimpse it with × 12 and suspect it with × 8.5 , though I have never been able to see it with any lower magnification .
30 The other companion , NGC 205 , is beyond binocular range ; at least , I have never been able to see it without a telescope .
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