Example sentences of "[be] often [vb pp] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , the people who create these contexts , the teaching practitioners , are often made to feel that their own experience as pedagogic providers is not given sufficient recognition but is , on the contrary , misprized as lacking in rigour : wisdom which leads to understanding is overridden by knowledge which leads to explanation .
2 Women who did not deliberately choose to remain single out of conviction or because they wished to pursue a career , but who nevertheless ‘ got left on the shelf , were often made to feel that they were failures .
3 When describing the person in question , a reference to physical appearance is often made showing that physical appearance is very important .
4 The difficulties involved in trying to explicate the concept are so insidious and irksome that , understandably perhaps , one is often tempted to say that they are not crucially important and that the problems that can be profitably discussed in relation to experiences are no different from those that arise in connection with any other " natural phenomena " ; and , consequently , that the method of investigation with regard to all phenomena , experiences included , is , or at any rate , ought to be , the same .
5 Although it is often taken to imply that the citizen is entitled to ‘ social rights ’ , it does not immediately conjure up a picture of socialist collectivism which would alienate those on the right .
6 Addition of oxygen is often required to ensure that its concentration is not limiting ; typically , 3 lb of oxygen is required to degrade 1 lb of organics .
7 One or two surveys revealed better health and a greater degree of satisfaction among the occupied over pension age than among the retired ( Anderson and Cowan 1955 ; We ! ford 1966 ) , and the high death-rate in the first year following cessation of work was often quoted to prove that retirement might speed premature deterioration .
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