Example sentences of "[be] directly or [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once the presence of a carcass has been directly or indirectly detected , they glide down to it rapidly , and large numbers of vultures are thus enabled to assemble in a short time .
2 It is significant that in this area of institutional studies some of the sharpest questions about the nature of sociological inquiry have been directly or indirectly posed .
3 Though some secondees had been directly or indirectly approached about a secondment , most of the secondees had applied for jobs and were delighted with the prospect .
4 ‘ A common type of case where problems of timing may arise is one in which the complaint and allegations involved in it are directly or closely associated with criminal proceedings which are pending .
5 The figure that I gave was of those who are directly or indirectly affected by the opencast sector .
6 If , as has been suggested above , insider evaluation is primarily associated with curriculum improvement , it comes as little surprise that proposals for particular approaches are directly or indirectly related to models of curriculum design and development .
7 This rule may help to keep clear the distinction between those interventions which seek to challenge the structural conditions under which racist discourses are directly or indirectly reproduced , and those strategies which aim to interrupt their circulation in specific micro-contexts , and/or introduce alternative story lines .
8 These ‘ non-people ’ are directly or indirectly associated with WACC 's Women 's Programme and will ultimately benefit from it .
9 In both cases people who were directly or indirectly implicated in racial harassment were asked to reflect on their actions and attitudes by an outsider who did not share their views ; moreover , as a researcher I was concerned to elicit evidence about racist assumptions or practices which as an educator I was also concerned to challenge .
10 In the mid 1980s approximately four hundred foreign banks were directly or indirectly represented in London with American , Japanese and Arab banks dominating the scene .
11 The constitutional reply is that public authorities , being directly or indirectly elected , are the representatives of the public interest and that their function is precisely that of making such decisions .
12 6.1 As respects all information as is directly or indirectly communicated to it by another Party ( hereinafter called the supplying Party ) under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise in connection with the Project ( including technical information or otherwise relating in any manner to the business or affairs of such other Party ) the recipient Party hereby undertakes to the supplying Party that it will until five years after Completion or abandonment of the Project treat the same as ( and use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the same be kept ) confidential and will not disclose the same to any other person without prior written consent of such other Party in each case except to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in or for the purposes of the exercise of the rights and licences granted to it pursuant to this Agreement .
13 ‘ The two jobs go hand-in-hand and nearly everything I do is directly or indirectly related to the environment , ’ said Mike , who joined the business four years ago .
14 Thus Vmw175 is directly or indirectly required for the normal expression of all other HSV-1 genes .
15 Much , though not all , of the Earth 's tectonic , volcanic and seismic activity is directly or indirectly associated with movement between neighbouring plates .
16 This frankness of approach applies particularly if the presenting problem is directly or closely connected with matters of sex and Sexual relationships .
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