Example sentences of "[be] useful for [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Lever-arch files are useful for medical records , discovery documents and trial bundles , and can be embossed with your firm 's logo .
2 The approach is particularly likely to be suitable for patients who are seeking help for social and personal problems , and should therefore be useful for many situations encountered by social workers , general practitioners , and those involved in marital counselling , bereavement counselling , and the care of adolescents .
3 Bornstein ( 1979 ) also suggests that fingerspelling would not be useful for young children since it involves fine perceptions and handshapes which they themselves may not be able to form .
4 Some agencies offer special services which can be useful for specific jobs .
5 To see essentialism and social constructionism as polarized opposites may be useful for rhetorical purposes , but any fully-sensitive analysis of culture and sexuality must constantly negotiate between the two .
6 The Universal Decimal Classification was devised with a very fine specification , and as such is found to be useful for technical libraries and for information retrieval .
7 This could be useful for two reasons :
8 Nevertheless , older industrial property could be useful for new companies wanting cheap premises and wishing to locate in the cities .
9 Our collections would be a random sample from the wild cocoa population , to be handed over to cocoa breeders who could screen them for genes that would be useful under their own conditions : a genotype that was susceptible to witches ' broom disease might still be useful for other reasons to farmers in West Africa , where this disease does not occur .
10 Diary techniques may be useful for longer-term studies provided they do not alter the respondent 's habits .
11 Additionally , confidence can be useful for certain types of secrets for which other rights are inappropriate such as the recipe for Coca-Cola or a secret research technique or industrial process .
12 Cardboards and paper can obviously be useful for prolific artists or those travelling light !
13 Cardboards and paper can obviously be useful for prolific artists or those travelling light !
14 Feminists working on social representations recognize , in addition , that human experience is highly symbol dependent , that the issue of language can usefully link psychology with other work in the social sciences and humanities , and that a greater focus on this area might be useful for psychological investigations of many gender issues ( e.g. Wetherell et al .
15 Liaison with hospital staff , and the rehabilitation team of physiotherapists , occupational therapists and speech therapists may be useful for some clients ( Squires , 1988 ) .
16 Certain aspects of the Draft Structure Plan will also be considered by Services Committees during May and June and the Draft Structure Plan document would also be useful for these meetings .
17 Our collections are a very important European resource , and have the potential to be useful for scientific purposes to all Member States .
18 An anechoically lined chamber must be used for some immunity testing as well as being useful for general emissions and immunity testing .
19 Knives would obviously have been the most common tool in everyday life , being useful for numerous functions .
20 It is useful for determining changes in internal energy , changes in enthalpy and heat capacities , for example .
21 Adopting a Child : a practical guide for people interested in adoption ( 1984 ) published by BAAF is useful for adoptive parents .
22 The International Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences was last published in 1968 so , while it is useful for general articles , its facts are now very out of date indeed .
23 Later on try the great white cherry , Prunus ‘ Taihaku ’ or Prunus ‘ Shogetsu ’ for dramatic displays of white flowers ; ‘ Amanogawa ’ produces pale pink flowers and its fastigiate or columnar form is useful for small gardens .
24 This type of guarantee will reverse the 6 p.m. release procedure and is useful for overseas travellers whose times of arrival are governed by their air , sea or rail travel arrangements .
25 It is useful for would-be choreographers to study the historical development of classical style so that they may stage a ballet in a traditional way when it has a story firmly linked to a particular time and place .
26 It is useful for would-be choreographers to examine his ballets and discover that he mostly set them in countries possessing easily recognised characteristics .
27 As this reaction is not shared by alkanes it is useful for separating mixtures of alkanes and alkenes .
28 A barcoding feature , used for American zip codes , is useful for any companies sending mail to the States .
29 This is useful for both parties as problems experienced by returners can be anticipated and dealt with for the benefit of new course members .
30 Although , as has been seen , a written agreement is required under the new SFA Rules in only a limited number of cases , firms may find that the use of a written agreement is useful for commercial reasons .
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