Example sentences of "[be] useful for [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Books such as those used for beginning readers are useful for demonstrating this effect , and if you have found yourself daydreaming or thinking about a conversation with a colleague while " going through the motions " of reading to a child , this does not mean that your reading was inadequate .
2 A question-answer drill is useful for learning these vocabulary items : When learning verbs , ask your language helper to act them , or act them yourself , so that you associate the verb you are learning directly with the action it signifies .
3 This is useful for converting some word-processor files into standard ASCII format .
4 The classical multifactorial model is useful for considering these observations , even though its requirements may not be fully met .
5 The ‘ functional ’ argument provides a discursive strategy which is useful for implicating all sorts of groups and individuals in racism who would otherwise have cast-iron alibis .
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