Example sentences of "[be] useful [prep] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Fairs are useful for meeting potential new clients and as a way to introduce ourselves .
2 Pastry and biscuit cutters are useful for cutting different shapes out of cake and fondant icing .
3 Books such as those used for beginning readers are useful for demonstrating this effect , and if you have found yourself daydreaming or thinking about a conversation with a colleague while " going through the motions " of reading to a child , this does not mean that your reading was inadequate .
4 The last-named are useful in creating faster movement or in extending the material into slow sections , thus giving those speed changes which make more extended forms possible .
5 While contrast enhanced computed tomography has an established role , measurement of markers such as CRP , polymorphonuclear elastase ( PMN elastase ) , and antiproteases are useful in detecting pancreatic necrosis .
6 The lead times are useful in planning other activities dependent on this stage being completed .
7 It seems that pastoral conventions are useful in defending traditional rights , though the idea of an immediate economic advance is much harder for Leapor to accommodate .
8 In recent years , however , the canine colon has become a standard model for colonic motility studies and , although it displays some kinds of contractile activity not seen in man , it has been useful for investigating neuropharmacological interactions .
9 Land registers have been useful in identifying vacant urban land , and in imposing a degree of dynamism within urban-land markets .
10 Beside the TNM classification system additional variables , such as biological staging for the intrinsic malignant potential of the tumours , might be useful for determining long term survival .
11 Accessory straps can be useful for attaching bulky items to the outside of the pack .
12 Bjornsson 's approach differed from that of many earlier researchers in two important ways : first , he set out at an early stage to make his formula one which would be useful for making cross-cultural comparisons , and second , he chose not to use the statistical technique of multiple regression .
13 Band shapes can also be useful for identifying unknown impurities , particularly in the gas phase .
14 This is not to say that they thought the movement could solve the boy labour problem , or the youth problem in general , but its ideas and its personnel would be useful in sustaining scientific collectivism .
15 Some authorities maintained that it was the first time a single drug had been shown to be useful in controlling psychotic patients .
16 Since the intention of this chapter has been to provide an introduction to global tectonics and the major elements of the Earth 's morphology and structure , the suggested reading is mainly limited to texts which will be useful in providing more details on these topics .
17 The particular vibrations excited are often found to be closely associated with the electronic transition within whose band the exciting radiation falls , and this can sometimes be useful in assigning electronic transitions .
18 However , film may be useful in teaching cultural aspects of a language , or in teaching English for Special Purposes ( ESP ) .
19 It is believed that the observational material will be useful in highlighting subtle aspects of differential behaviour and therefore be of particular help in staff training schemes .
20 However , it should be said that past costs can be useful in predicting future costs .
21 The provision of a large calendar and clock in each ward can be useful in preventing this apparent disorientation .
22 This model also suggests that the hydrothermal cells should have maximum dimensions of about 40 km in diameter which can be useful in eliminating some areas near major deposits .
23 What the teacher is trying to do is to guide each pupil into developing a set of mental models which have been found by experience or experiment to be useful in understanding technical processes .
24 It would be in addition to the objective classification and provides a broad analysis of expenditure which can be useful in making broad judgements , for example , about the percentage of total costs paid as salaries and wages .
25 Psychiatrists envisaged that curare might be useful in relieving muscular tension and so diminish the feedback from over active muscles which perpetuates a sense of anxiety in tense patients .
26 This can also be useful in rolling some models , but may require compromises elsewhere , if you run out of available pitch ranges .
27 They were useful for treating allergic disorders and also as sedatives and remedies for motion sickness .
28 A question-answer drill is useful for learning these vocabulary items : When learning verbs , ask your language helper to act them , or act them yourself , so that you associate the verb you are learning directly with the action it signifies .
29 It provides an effective descant over voices , and can sound languid and restful , especially when unaccompanied in its bottom octave , rising from middle C. In its middle register it is useful for teaching new tunes or doubling the melody line .
30 Some models will also convert from a two wheeled sack barrow into a four wheeled multi-purpose truck which is useful for moving heavy items like paving slabs .
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