Example sentences of "[be] throw out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Any second now she would be thrown out into the water , then her hand would —
2 However insignificant , they still do n't deserve to be thrown out with the bathwater , or rather the pond water .
3 Even the ACE name may be thrown out with the dishwater in this latest development — too many bad memories ? — ‘ but you can be sure that there will be a deuce ! ’ one insider told Unigram last week .
4 They must face up to the limitations of the Western model — though the baby of Western expertise should not be thrown out with the bathwater of its failings .
5 Do n't let's frighten people and think they 're going to be thrown out on the street because they ca n't pay their rent .
6 They made a vital contribution to the lively syndicate and plenary discussions , as well as to the other events , including a debate on who should not be thrown out of a hypothetical sinking hot air balloon .
7 He proposed that barrackers should be thrown out of the ground if they did not respond to an appeal for fairness over the loudspeaker .
8 Britain can not be thrown out of the EC , but if it fails to pass the bill it would be left behind as the others speed towards greater political and economic unity .
9 IDLE and useless police could be thrown out of the force in a crackdown aimed at raising standards , Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke revealed yesterday .
10 I had no idea when we might be going to Dili , so I was unable to time my campaign , to know when to bring it to a climax , to know when I could afford to cool things down , to be nice to her , for I did n't want to be thrown out of the house there and then , did I ?
11 ‘ I said it was terrible , to ruin one of Lehar 's most wonderful love songs like that , and Ingrid , he made it quite plain that if I did n't fall in with Therese 's wishes — exactly — I would be thrown out of the company . ’
12 Coun John Jones , Labour , immediately called on the chairman , Coun Bob Brady , to intervene saying Coun Nilsson should be thrown out of the meeting .
13 The second Bill had passed through the House of Commons only to be thrown out by the House of Lords which could reject all legislation except money bills .
14 We went back upstairs to find that all the contents of our lockers had been thrown out over the floors , mixed up , trampled on , and that the lockers themselves had been hurled around the room , across the beds , which had been stripped , and out of the doors .
15 When that was discovered she had been thrown out on the streets , and subsequently forced to live in a brothel .
16 The Nubian sandstones forming the plateau are permeable and water sinking into the sandstone may have been thrown out at the foot of its escarpments .
17 Several other mortar bombs have been thrown out into the darkness .
18 Property had been thrown out into the streets and burned .
19 She had also claimed that he took long liquid lunches and had even been thrown out of a wine bar for fondling another girl .
20 TWO girls have been thrown out of a top nanny school for taking drugs .
21 If he 'd been thrown out of a window . ’
22 He 's been thrown out of every art school in London and some that are n't .
23 Donald McCulloch came back from ‘ the reel of Ballechin' long after his mother , and when he got up at last next morning , the cold porridge had been thrown out to the hens .
24 OF THE 28 Tory Stinkers who voted on St Valentine 's Day in support of a socialist 's motion to ban hunting , four have now retired from politics — Mudd , Braine , Rossi and Clark — while a further five have been thrown out by the electorate .
25 Many oranges , apparently sound , are thrown out on the quay and if everyone taking one or two of these oranges was arrested for theft , one Police Court would not be enough to deal with the cases …
26 But I think that sex can be a fleeting thing and sometimes I believe that if it is that alone as the basis of a relationship , then all the finer and better qualities are thrown out of the window .
27 They used to be in the garden here , but Her Majesty doesnae care for them so they were thrown out on the rubbish heap , but the rubbish heap was by the river so the seeds were carried down by the water and sprouted by themselves on the bank .
28 The band were left with a £10,000 bill for damage after valuable antiques were thrown out of a window , damaging a car below .
29 CHILE were thrown out of the 1994 World Cup by Fifa yesterday after forcing their decisive 1990 qualifier against Brazil to be abandoned in Rio when their players walked off claiming that the Chilean goalkeeper , Roberto Rojas , had been injured by a flare .
30 THE International Weightlifting Federation will decide in February whether to restore a ban on Britons Andrew Davies and Andrew Saxton , who were thrown out of the Olympics after failing drug tests .
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