Example sentences of "[be] assume to be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This would enhance the authority of international law because of the inherent and self-evidently moral qualities of such an impartial legal process ; the ‘ bindingness ’ of international law would be increased because the aims of the enterprise — the peaceful resolution of international conflicts — would be assumed to be universally desirable .
2 These dimensions can be assumed to be strongly correlated with each other , so that a model of ‘ strong ’ corporatism can be constructed in terms of which specific countries can be ranked .
3 The copper can be assumed to be uniformly distributed across the section but it only occupies a fraction unc of the space available ; the current density in the copper is to be J.
4 It is also the case that people 's sex can not be held to be an effect of their job or their work record ; sex must be assumed to be causally prior to both of these variables .
5 Although this proposition is wide enough to cover payment made in response to an illegal demand it was stated in the context of a court order of which the compulsitor must be assumed to be very much stronger than that of a mere demand which has yet to be enforced .
6 It was apparent that his attendance at the coming Party Conference must be assumed to be very unlikely , and that the question of replacing him as leader could arise .
7 But particularly in a public sector context , where appeals to the public interest could be assumed to be more common , profound questions remain which can not be resolved by terse definitions .
8 This comfort assumes that the identities , which can be so effortlessly , even unconsciously , adopted in listening to a speech , are not in serious conflict : the categories of ‘ Conservative ’ , ‘ British ’ , ‘ right-thinking ’ all overlap and , in fact , without reflection might be assumed to be virtually synonymous .
9 Firms , unlike households , are assumed to be continuously in neoclassical equilibrium : given the value of the real wage rate , they produce just the right ( profit maximizing ) volume of output .
10 The important difference between Keynesian and neo-classical economics is that in the extreme Keynesian model , wages and prices are assumed to be inflexible ( at least in the downward direction ) whereas in the extreme neo-classical model , wages and prices are assumed to be completely flexible .
11 Note that this allowance is for independent monsters which are assumed to be magically bound , trained , or otherwise loyal to your cause .
12 In other words , his argument might be seen as an attempt to confront the common sense with the disconcerting fact that references to what are assumed to be numerically identical spatio-temporal particulars inhabiting an objective world " out there " can not be given a satisfactory justification , and consequently that one can not claim with certainty that such particulars represent the basic material of which the world is made up .
13 Needs for Personal Social Services for children are assumed to be predominantly determined by being in a lone-parent family , regardless of the economic circumstances of the family .
14 But behind this victimised female self , whose actions and desires are assumed to be not truly ‘ her own ’ , since they derive from processes of force , conditioning or psychological manipulation , there is seen to be an authentic female self , whose recovery or discovery it is one of the aims of feminism to achieve .
15 Consider the following simple model : Clones are assumed to be independently and randomly distributed along the genome , and to all have the same length , 1 , ( in suitable units ) .
16 This is because older people are assumed to be less flexible , less motivated and more ‘ tired ’ than those in their 20s and early 30s .
17 Wealth-producing assets are assumed to be infinitely divisible and taxes and transactions costs are both zero .
18 Births in the first seven months of marriage are assumed to be pre-maritally conceived .
19 Questions are asked by people who lack a particular piece of knowledge , and questions are addressed to people who are assumed to be more knowledgeable about that topic .
20 Furthermore , couples are assumed to be legally married .
21 The reason a bat is a particularly telling example for a philosopher , however , is that the experiences of an echolocating bat are assumed to be peculiarly alien and different from our own .
22 These people have acquired their skills elsewhere : they receive no training in the course of their seasonal employment and are assumed to be fully functional from their first day at work .
23 Lafford is a prebend of Lincoln Cathedral , and Richard has been assumed to be also identifiable as Richard de Bello ( of Battle , probably Battle in Sussex ) who was prebendary of Lafford in 1277 and who was also treasurer of Lincoln Cathedral by October 1270 , until at least April 1278 .
24 Many have accused schools of trying to prop up ailing churches and fill empty pews , and Christian teachers in particular have been assumed to be heavily biased , teaching for commitment to their particular brand of religion and intolerant towards other religions and other world views .
25 This seems to me to illustrate what I would call the ‘ Breakthrough Phenomenon ’ : the sudden discovery that something which has been assumed to be out of the question is not out of the question at all .
26 He was disappearing regularly into the bowels of the City to meet various moneypersons , all of whom were assumed to be faintly threatening male chauvinists .
27 Flight is assumed to be either normal forward flapping flight , or gliding .
28 This is assumed to be largely because such events are rare and distinctive .
29 The cone of vision is assumed to be right regular .
30 From 150kHz to 30HMz , interference is assumed to be primarily conducted .
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