Example sentences of "[be] assume [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 we 're assuming for the purposes of the argument that you have n't , I mean it 's got ta be , you 've got other defences altogether er and indeed terms of which I have n't made my mind up yet , but with judgement and your duty of care erm may themselves solve this particular problem
2 but of course we 're assuming for the purposes of the argument that er , that erm , your that is a matter of Eng English law , the matters of which you make complaint are a defence or set off
3 It is not to be assumed as a matter or right . ’
4 It should not be assumed as a matter of course that such use of part of a dwellinghouse necessarily involves a material change of use requiring permission .
5 To keep route descriptions in this area reasonably compact and unambiguous , Brunnen , on the north-east corner of the lake , will be assumed as the starting-point , but visitors based on other centres between Luzern and Brunnen should be able to make necessary adjustments .
6 As regards these latter matters , it will be assumed for the remainder of the chapter , unless the contrary is stated , that a company has capacity to grant the security and that the directors were not acting in breach of their duty to the company or exceeding their authority .
7 It will be assumed for the sake of argument that this patient had not indicated or is unable to indicate a desire that treatment on the ventilator be terminated .
8 For the time being , having noted the rival analysis , the issues will be approached through the framework of the traditional model and it will accordingly be assumed for the purposes of analysis that weak owner control at least raises a presumption that there is a problem about the adequacy of management discipline .
9 While both β and A may be complex quantities in general , it will be assumed for the purposes of the present section that β and A are just positive or negative real quantities .
10 It can not be assumed at the outset that all elements are the product of similar processes of objectification .
11 Since this is one aspect of the " ongoing negotiation " and preferences of " newcomers " to the interaction can not be assumed at the outset , the circumstances which will most favour a speedy agreement to use Creole are those where there are few participants — ideally the minimum , two — and these individuals are already well known to each other , and known to favour Creole .
12 While some reports suggested that Western donor countries including the United States had expressed a strong preference for the post to be assumed by a European , others claimed that Pakistan , which currently housed an estimated 3,000,000 Afghan refugees , had opposed the appointment of an Indian national .
13 A National Council for Teacher Education and Training , with a regional structure , would have responsibilities which included validation , though this might ‘ quite rapidly ’ be assumed by the CNAA and , in some cases , by universities .
14 However , of much more concern to Blythen Jenkins , head of corporate affairs with the IoD , is the tendency ‘ in all legislation where the liability of the company is involved , such as environmental or consumer protection , to have a little paragraph in it saying liability shall be assumed by the directors and officers of the company ’ .
15 ‘ Lloyd 's has to decide whether , as Names die or become unable to pay , the risks can be assumed by the Society as a whole or whether the maxim of ‘ Each for his own part ’ is strictly applied .
16 What seems to be assumed by the author about your prior knowledge in the following lines :
17 The facts to be assumed by the House of Lords for the purposes of the appeal were that Shell and others had , in breach of the sanctions order , covertly supplied Southern Rhodesia with oil by other means and thereby prolonged the state of illegal independence and the time during which Lonrho 's pipeline was out of use .
18 In view of Callam et al 's ( 1987a ) recommendation that arterial disease should be assumed in every patient presenting with an ulcer anywhere on the foot until proved otherwise , this suggests ischaemic ulcers are more common in men than women .
19 But truthfulness can not be assumed in every instance .
20 Product quality and specification , and delivery capacity , are assumed by the supplier to be the same in the case of all recognised contractors .
21 Firstly , I am reporting to you that there has been in the current year additional efficiency savings over and above those that previously anticipated er at the level of two hundred thousand pounds and so we are assuming in the budget erm that those can continue into ninety four , five and thereafter , and then we 'll see the resolutions have been amended to take that into account and the text of the erratum sheet explains how that 's been done .
22 It seems to have been assumed throughout the discussions leading up to the signature of the Convention that the use of the postal channel was indeed a mode of service , of notification .
23 A Libyan connection had , in any case , been assumed from the start , by Lester Coleman as well as most other experts aware of Libya 's role as supplier of arms and explosives to terrorist factions around the world .
24 The insignia of royalty that had been assumed by the papacy reflected a monarchical form and structure of government .
25 As well as the traditional role of arranging for teachers to spend time in business other responsibilities have been assumed by the teacher placement organiser .
26 Consequently , sociological positivism can be criticized for giving the impression of setting out to demonstrate scientifically the truth of an approach which seemed already to have been assumed in the way the terms were defined .
27 If speeds of 32 km/h were assumed for the car , then 56m sight distances would be required .
28 PP : I understand that Barclays is the largest European lender to the Philippines with loans totalling over $384 million and that in 1987 you refused to sign a loan extension agreement between the Philippine government and 500 commercial creditors unless the $57 million debts of a private company , Planters Products PLC , were assumed by the government .
29 At first the spy thought he had stumbled on something worth investigating : Wordsworth carried a telescope , and Coleridge was surveying the river ( he was in fact making notes for a projected long poem , The Brook ) ; furthermore , Coleridge 's oft-repeated references to ‘ Spy Nosy ’ were assumed by the Home Office spy to be aimed at him personally — he had presumably never heard of Spinoza , the philosopher of the moment .
30 In the latter days of the Roman Empire his powers were assumed by the Emperor , or Divine Guide of the World .
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