Example sentences of "[be] a better way [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr and Mrs T questioned whether family counselling might have been a better way of dealing with a very complicated situation , or at worst whether an interdict could be placed on the older boys in the W family .
2 Producers were so busy fighting their own corner , and so mesmerized by the success of Hollywood , that they did n't have the strength to argue that keeping the industry fragmented and flexible , learning from Hollywood 's example without simply imitating its outward forms , might be a better way of catering for a market the size of Britain than heading up the road of monopoly .
3 Sir Anthony stopped short of blaming BR or the Government for creating the climate but added : ‘ There must be a better way of doing things . ’
4 But he added : ‘ There must be a better way of meeting those concerns than taking action that could lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom . ’
5 There must be a better way of spending life than what I 'm doing . ’
6 There must surely be a better way of arranging affairs .
7 But , because Phonebase is notoriously difficult to access and the charging procedure is complex , Ms Burke and her husband decided there must be a better way of doing it .
8 Would n't that be a better way of keeping anyway ?
9 The utility measure based on user evaluation of documents may be a better way of accommodating the interactive nature of the information-seeking process .
10 Or popularity might be a better way of looking at it .
11 We do n't see it as dumping as such , it is part of the food chain , and there does n't seem to be a better way of doing it .
12 But the message is that there must be a better way of choosing a nice girl than this .
13 Yes , I agree with you , perhaps that would be a better way of doing things however , most of you got that right , I think , if not all , so .
14 ‘ I will say to them : enough is enough , there has got be a better way for you , enough blood has been shed , enough people , far too many , are already grieving , hurt and anguished .
15 The Bill will be a better way at least to convince people that they have an opportunity to influence events than the present private Bill procedure .
16 We need to be of ‘ now ’ and maybe that 's a better way of playing ‘ then ’ .
17 It 's a better way of making a living than digging the roads . ’
18 The word ‘ depression ’ is used in a non-clinical sense , and maybe sadness is a better way of describing what is going on .
19 But for everyone there is a better way of expressing yourself at work or in complaining at the garage , for instance .
20 Perhaps reason was a better way of persuasion .
21 If his plan worked , he would have an hour or two to himself dawdling along the reef , which was a better way of spending the afternoon than acting as nanny to four Latinos .
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