Example sentences of "[be] [art] function [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The GDR 's acceptance as a real country has been the function of the Cold War , a piece of make-believe reflecting tacit agreement by both blocs that the German Question is best put on hold .
2 He is a complete " personality " , and comparable therefore to those other " personalities " whose " transmission " has been the function of the Dictionary of National Biography .
3 Attempting to predict the changes likely to take place in practices and in the world at large and their consequences for Institutional education policy , has been a function of the educational committees of the Institution and the centres of full-time education , all of whom have been addressing the question since early 1985 .
4 In the UK this has been a function of the oral philosophy of education ( until the last five years ) .
5 That is to say that savings are a function of the rate of profit and unproductive consumption .
6 This method reflects the fact that finance costs are a function of the amount outstanding and the passage of time .
7 There is a general consensus that psychological processes are a function of the whole brain , not of its constituent parts .
8 Roughly speaking , plain , unemotional , ordered " talking " , which is heavily dependent upon our ability to recognize and encode binary discriminations ( distinctive features in phonology and logical oppositions in argument ) , has been shown to be a function of the left hemisphere of the brain , while emotional responses , which are the consequence of reactions to sensory inputs from outside , are a function of the right hemisphere .
9 This is because the change in the stock in the current quarter ( ) consists of revaluations ( which are a function of the change in asset prices over the quarter ) and new purchases which are a function of expected gains from the time of purchase rather than simply from the end of the current quarter .
10 A notable example is found in the attempt ( e.g. Korpi and Shalev 1979 ) to explain the incidence of industrial conflict by reference to the political action of the working class and its representatives rather than to institutional industrial relations features as in Clegg and others ; while Dore 's ( 1973 ) study of Japanese and British factories suggests that variations in the way that capitalist societies order the ‘ world of work ’ are a function of the nature , pace and time scale of industrialization — differences in industrial relations reflect aspects of early or late development .
11 Most people would probably not be delighted to be told that their daughter has chosen to become a surrogate mother ; but it can not be the function of the law either to prevent unpleasant situations , or to tell one 's daughter how to conduct her affairs .
12 Our view then , which is undiminished today and is at the centre of the debate , is that it ought not to be the function of the social security system to support students , not only because of the administrative burden placed on the Department 's local benefit offices and local authorities , but because there already exists a maintenance system for those in full-time education .
13 effective learning would appear to be a function of the relationship between formal instructional and natural use .
14 The type of household in which the elderly person lives may , in its turn , be a function of the stage he or she has reached in the life course rather than of age per se .
15 One might quibble with these distinctions , but the proposal is simple : BSL is a language for conveying information and will be optimal where accurate and immediate knowledge is the goal ; methods imposed on this medium will be tailored to specific educational goals and these will be a function of the priorities of teachers , parents and society .
16 Whether this will happen will be a function of the wave velocity along the tape , whose mass per unit length will have been increased and wave velocity reduced , by the drenching rain last Saturday .
17 It may indeed be possible to regard the present subject of study as yet another type of word-pairing — except of course that the " greater precision " may be a function of the whole line in relation to the previous line , and not just of one word in relation to another word .
18 Thus the extent of right brainedness among left handers is seen to be a function of the position of the criterion used to classify sinistrality .
19 In general this appears to be a function of the kind of sectors in which they are working , or of the kinds of occupations which they have .
20 It may in part be a function of the teacher 's own practices , and when this is so an analysis of his or her use of time , from the broad organizational strategies right down to the minutiae of moment-to-moment interactions with the children , could help both in creating more time and in making for a more effective and efficient context for learning .
21 Put simply , purchase behaviour will be a function of the different variables already analysed in this and the previous chapter , but will vary in emphasis and priority according to the stage reached by individual and family .
22 Roughly speaking , plain , unemotional , ordered " talking " , which is heavily dependent upon our ability to recognize and encode binary discriminations ( distinctive features in phonology and logical oppositions in argument ) , has been shown to be a function of the left hemisphere of the brain , while emotional responses , which are the consequence of reactions to sensory inputs from outside , are a function of the right hemisphere .
23 Thus , the efficiency of workers may be a function of the degree of supervision and of the salary differential ( promotion being assumed to be a reward for efficiency ) .
24 This may be in part a search for higher returns but it must also be a function of the desire to diversify away from the risk of the domestic market .
25 Improvements in performance with increasing arousal at low levels are taken to be a function of the increasing speed on information transfer .
26 The brightness of the yellow would be a function of the magnitude of the reflectance .
27 The value of T g depends on the way in which it is measured but it is also found to be a function of the polymer chain length .
28 Yet it has already been argued that the marginal costs of the good will be a function of the number of people in the community , and therefore , relate to different numbers ( e.g. 100 , 200 , 300 residents in the community ) .
29 A consequence of this is that the rate of spreading along a ridge will be a function of the sine of the angular distance from the pole of rotation ; the greater the distance from the pole of rotation : the greater the rate of spreading ( up to an angle of 90 ) .
30 The rate of this modification will be a function of the resistance to weathering and erosion of the volcanic materials laid down , the initial relief created by the volcano and the prevailing climatic environment .
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