Example sentences of "[be] [prep] least [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The team concluded that " distances from engineered crops to compatible weeds must be at least several kilometres for spatial isolation to prevent the escape of engineered genes " .
2 One would expect there to be at least some degree of microadenoma formation but so far she has only had two areas biopsied .
3 If liability rules are to perform any of the functions mentioned there must be at least some prospect of their being enforced .
4 Last week , John Wright , another CEGB witness , warned that it would be at least another decade before the board would be able to assess the potential of renewable and alternative energy sources .
5 The upper school were remaining but it would be at least another week before he 'd have to return .
6 Sir Anthony goes on : ‘ The information I have been given by the joint liquidators of BCGM [ the British fund ] and BCI [ in Gibraltar ] indicates that in the period up to December 1984 there had been frequent movements of money or securities between the United Kingdom funds and the Jersey funds and , most important of all , that at December 1984 the gilt-edged securities and cash held for the Jersey funds were at least some £3.65 million less than the funds ’ obligations to investors .
7 Nevertheless within most jobs there are at least some tasks which are amenable to this kind of training and the benefits are considerable .
8 The other reason is that there are at least some rules for judging advertisements , but most of these are based firmly in the objectives which the ads are trying to achieve : if we do not know what the objectives are , any judgement we may make is without a real foundation .
9 ( This contrasts with the two large energy privatisations of gas and electricity where there are at least some areas of direct competition between the two industries — the privatisation of electricity is considered next . )
10 This point is stressed by Professor Helmut Koester of Harvard University Divinity School , who argues that in the ‘ … vast treasure of non-canonical gospel literature there are at least some writings which have not found their rightful place in the history of this literary genre ’ .
11 The nilgai 's woodland ancestry shows in the fact that it inhabits areas where there are at least some trees to give shelter during the hottest part of the day .
12 But most architects involved in liability cases feel that there has been at least some contribution to his own losses by the claimant .
13 But there is at least some chance of cooperation , in contrast to the absence of an obligation to plan together between higher education , sixth forms in secondary schools and colleges of further as well as tertiary education .
14 They pose enormous threats to western Europe and more immediate threats to eastern Europe , but there is still no obvious way in which the west can help to avoid the consequences until there is at least some clarity about where authority lies in the Soviet Union .
15 Much as we may complain about standards of some general practice in London — and rightly so — there is at least some system to seek to achieve geographic coverage by primary care doctors .
16 The s the point I would make is that first of all I do n't accept that twelve thousand seven hundred is er a tenable figure but that , probably the more important point is that there has to be a policy response , and a policy response to this issue demands that there is at least some response to the mi to the level of migration er you know my my my view has been put forward very clearly about that , but I would simply make make the point for the record that even accepting one hundred percent migration , there is no statistical case for a new settlement .
17 As you can see therefore , there is at least some scope for further savings without actually causing undue pressure to this particular budget .
18 A particular difficulty would seem to be that the proportion of left handed inverters found in the general population does not correspond to the proportion of sinistrals estimated on other grounds to have left hemisphere speech ( Searleman , Tweedy and Springer , 1979 ) although it must be admitted that the range of estimates of both proportions has varied quite widely and there is at least some overlap .
19 Further steps can follow only when there is at least some measure of agreement on the question of what is right and what is wrong .
20 Without going into the question in detail , I would submit that the operation is lawful if performed by experienced practitioners after very intensive investigation of the mental condition of the patient and the conclusion that there is at least some risk of harm to the patient if surgery is not performed .
21 There is at least this restriction on the properties that count here , that they must be properties whose presence or absence can be registered by the person making the judgement .
22 Hopefully we will see er Khmer Rouge with it 's Phol Pot leadership removed from the seat at the U N , and the new Supreme National Council which is at least more representative of all the elements in er , er Cambodia , taking it 's place .
23 There is at least another couple of metres of flex coiled on the floor .
24 With coughing , he opened his eyes and began groaning which was at least some sign of progress , and I started looking about to see how we were going to get out of what appeared to be uncomfortably like a prison .
25 It was quite a new thing er in itself er you know it 's , you , like I say , you 've implied that er there was at least some degree of unrest on the shop floor .
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