Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [adv] little [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Parliament , it was said , could not have intended , despite the clearly expressed intention to the contrary , to have given the exclusion so limited an operation , for that would have been of very little assistance to the police .
2 Such an undertaking must have been of very little value .
3 Of course , warranties and maintenance contracts are all very well , but — as customers of Ti'ko and Olympic Technology know to their cost — agreements with manufacturers are of precious little use if the company goes bust .
4 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
5 Indeed , as Wolfram points out , such relationships are of so little importance within British kinship that there are no recognized kinship terms for many of these relationships gained through marriage ( Wolfram , 1987 , p. 4 ) .
6 International comparisons are of relatively little value because they tend to highlight the different priorities and practices of different countries .
7 In fact the different Greek roots for the Devil in the Septuagint — diabolos/apollyon — are of very little importance , for what emerges is the concept of the Devil as the supreme Evil One , the Dark Power .
8 Surely accountants should be seeking to give their clients value for money and if the audit of a small company is deemed to be of very little value , then how can we in all conscience — justify the charging of substantial fees for such a service .
9 There are sufficient inhabitants in Stockport for a good Grammar School , but without a department for the teaching the modern languages the school can be of comparatively little use in a commercial population like that of Stockport .
10 Whilst this may be attractive for the marketing companies it is of very little help to the consumer .
11 ‘ A copy of the letter is of very little use to our scientific experts . ’
12 Robert Sharpe , for example , quotes from a major review by the toxicologists Zbinden and Flury-Roversi : ‘ For the recognition of the symptomatology of acute poisoning in man , and for the determination of the human lethal dose , the LD50 is of very little value ’ ( 1989 : 104 ) .
13 ‘ Believe me , Alice , it is of very little value , ’ Félix interrupted her .
14 But her evidence by itself is of very little value .
15 It needs to be emphasised that in marking intonation , only stressed syllables are marked ; this implies that intonation is carried entirely by the stressed syllables of a tone-unit and that the pitch of unstressed syllables is either predictable from that of stressed syllables or is of so little importance that it is not worth marking .
16 For a philosopher , whether an idea is logical or illogical is very important , but for an historian of ideas this concern is of relatively little significance .
17 For example , whilst advertising is very important in reaching out to consumer markets , it is of relatively little significance to industrial markets , where personal selling is the most popular method .
18 Like ‘ mere ’ compatibility , ‘ mere ’ incompatibility is of relatively little interest : the fact that affix and volcano are incompatibles is not specially informative .
19 It has been argued that death-feigning in natural circumstances is of comparatively little use and far too risky to become a major defence strategy .
20 " Oh , " Quiss said , shaking his great bearded head quickly as though the whole subject was of too little consequence to be worth discussing , " they said they 'd see what they could do .
21 But when the Telecom commercial arose , it was with very little reluctance that I went along , with most of the other ethnic actresses in England , to audition for the role of the Jewish momma , then masquerading under the name of Dora .
22 Karelius was in very little doubt .
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