Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] in the corner " in BNC.

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1 All the while she had been talking , she had been moving little by little to one side , her movements casual , and when she was exactly where she wanted to be she reached out and grasped , lifted , and swiftly jabbed the pitchfork that had been standing in the corner of the stall .
2 It was the night of the school disco and a group of parents were standing in the corner as the kids enjoyed themselves on the dance floor .
3 The twisted machinery pieces cast shadows on the floor , weird and grotesque , so that , for a heart-stopping moment , Fenella thought that strange beast-things were crouching in the corners and remembered that Caspar had said something about Sentry Spells ; minor enchantments that the Robemaker might have left on guard in his absence .
4 She turned to Sally , who was kneeling in the corner beside her bookcase , trying to make herself unobtrusive .
5 THE TV was blaring in the corner , displaying EastEnders in black and white .
6 When he got back into the kitchen the cat , finally courageous in its search for food , was sitting in the corner .
7 The father took a golf-club that was standing in the corner .
8 He turned to a tall woman , who was standing in the corner .
9 One man was whimpering in the corner and two others were playing a bizarre version of dominoes , in which none of the numbers matched .
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