Example sentences of "[be] [adv] carried [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again , many decisions which are successfully carried out in a given period may not turn out to have been the best possible courses of action .
2 The cost of choice for the majority is the absence of choice for the minority who will never afford to buy , … ‘ the Right to Buy ’ and growth of owner-occupation are effectively carried out on the backs of poor people .
3 They began to realise that many procedures had been wrongly carried out in the management of the case , in particular that the Social Work Department were not implementing the decisions of the Children 's Panel .
4 Some sociologists have researched ‘ counter school ’ youth cultures , and how they are naturally carried over onto the shopfloor .
5 It is accepted that such surveys are only carried out by employees of the building society in the case of the Woolwich Building Society , so that the question at issue can only arise in regard to the structural surveys provided by that building society .
6 There 's a great deal of double counting that takes place , it might be that some honourable members in this house actually appear upon two registers , one in London and one within the area in which they reside , normally within their constituency and many people are merely carried over from past registers , without any serious canvassing taking place to find out whether they are the people to be on the registers or whether someone else should be put in their place .
7 Hence , such experiments are normally carried out in a laboratory permanently equipped with a wind-tunnel ( the name for any system providing a working air stream ) , a water flume or channel ( similar systems with water ) , or a towing tank ( a large tank of stationary water through which an obstacle can be moved ) .
8 As modern weathering masks many of these textures , petrographic studies are best carried out on subsurface samples wherever possible , particularly if samples are to be chemically analysed later .
9 Selection interviews are generally carried now in the early summer to permit research to start in autumn ( freeing the staff of the SOED 's Research and Intelligence Unit to concentrate on identifying and preparing next year 's round of research priorities … ) .
10 With Norwegian jacquard , the colour changes , whether made with the colour changer or manually with the jacquard claw , are always carried out at the left side of the machine .
11 LEFT Excavations are usually carried out on sites scheduled for development , so that the archaeological evidence can never be displayed on the site .
12 Despite everything , a lot of burglaries are still carried out via the front door .
13 This is despite the fact that economic calculations are still carried out in ‘ prices ’ .
14 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
15 Hence , chemical studies are confidently carried out on one or at most a very few instances of the materials that chemists are analysing and synthesizing .
16 In order to generate sales successfully a number of secondary functions are also carried out by most salespeople .
17 Changes are also carried out from above , if at all ( Bettelheim 1978 ) .
18 For Tagalogs , it is a rather amoral possibility : violent individuals are respected , but there is a less than human quality about them and violent acts are often carried out under the cover of a real or assumed drunkenness .
19 Popular discussions of the success or failure of ministers are often carried out in terms of their personalities and their experience .
20 Minor procedures are often carried out by junior surgical trainees and , increasingly , by general practitioners and dermatologists and in accident and emergency departments .
21 Structural studies within and across chronostratigraphic boundaries are often carried out by means of geochemical , isotope geochemical , or other analyses of rocks collected in the course of fieldwork , during which field relations between mappable rock units will have been recorded .
22 The question then arises as to how this pragmatic enterprise differs , if it differs at all , from the kinds of activity which are customarily carried out under the name of research .
23 Operations are now carried out on special trolleys which are hinged to allow the head to drop below the feet , ensuring a continuing blood supply to the brain in the event of sudden loss of blood pressure .
24 What work was done in the United Kingdom on raiding and amphibious operations had been mainly carried out by the Inter-Service Training and Development Centre ( ISTDC ) and the Royal Marines ' Mobile Naval Base Defence Organisation ( MNBDO ) , the Royal Navy being responsible for amphibious operations .
25 George Stephen remembered how as a youth he heard ‘ many a semi-domestic debate as to the extent to which parliamentary manoeuvring could be successfully carried out with the ministerial benches ’ .
26 The Area successfully tendered for another section of the M74 ( Elvanfoot ) which will be mostly carried out in 1993 .
27 They are therefore viewed as costs that can not be justifiably carried forward to future periods because they do not represent future benefits or the future benefits are so uncertain as to defy measurement .
28 And he denied a suggestion that the health promotion role could be better carried out at district health authority level because of the need to take an overall view of priorities .
29 The idea is very possible , but would be better carried out on a factory produced four door ( which should be available soon ) as adding extra doors and pillars will increase the cost of conversion enormously .
30 Or they can be plotted against the fitted ( here smoothed ) values , to look for indications of non-constant variability ; if the residuals get bigger as the smoothed values get bigger , this usually means that the the analysis would be better carried out on another scale .
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