Example sentences of "[be] [adv] sure that it " in BNC.

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1 Thus although we do not know how the DNA controls development , we are reasonably sure that it does carry almost all the information which has been produced by selection , and which is needed to control development .
2 With so many shades of grey to choose from , how can you be so sure that it 's right to see so much in your life in terms of black and white ?
3 There is law and order , well , sort of How can you be so sure that it 's not what it seems ? ’
4 We still do not know how to do the sum over histories properly for the universe , but we can be fairly sure that it will involve imaginary time and the idea of space-time closing up on itself .
5 Perhaps it was my imagination ( although I 'm almost sure that it was not ) .
6 I 'm quite sure that it was a sort of catalyst for him , to prove that he could do something like that . ’
7 I 'm quite sure that it will not be long before we see that happen .
8 Before you start making applications , be very sure that it is advertising art direction which interests you .
9 And there lay the crux of her unease ; she could n't be absolutely sure that it would n't present some emotional problem .
10 I do not believe Jenkins had any such ambition , and I am quite sure that it was not within his nature to take any active steps to intrigue , but Harold Wilson did believe — and conscientiously so — that such intrigues were taking place .
11 There is no way that any party , there is no way that the Liberal party can say to the Labour party or to anyone else , well we 'll support you , we think you 're getting in a mess but it 's your problem , you can carry it because that roughly is what they actually said and if it does go wrong , as it is sure that it will I am quite sure that it will be quite wrong to blame the Labour party entirely for that process , because it wo n't be entirely their fault .
12 in his heart , even then , he had been pretty sure that it was
13 Ellis 's sense of the quiet solidarity between women , and of the bonds of love that bind the generations together , is so sure that it more than compensates for the novel 's occasional listlessness .
14 It had no eyes that Rincewind could see , but he was nevertheless sure that it was staring at him .
15 He was almost sure that it was all a revelation to her and he watched her in sad silence as she covered her face and shook with sobs .
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