Example sentences of "[be] [adv] establish [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In my judgment this review of the authorities demonstrates that for over 300 years the law has been clearly established that the visitor of an eleemosynary charity has an exclusive jurisdiction to determine what are the internal laws of the charity and the proper application of those laws to those within his jurisdiction .
2 And because it is always uncertain whether a new system of regulation can be smoothly established when the old one breaks down , the regulationist approach does not share world-system theories ' perspective of inexorable capitalist expansion in which all developments are seen as functional for and planned by capital as a whole .
3 The association of Barrett 's columnar lined oesophagus ( CLO ) with gastro-oesophageal reflux has been well established and the causative nature of ulceration followed by prolonged acid exposure has been shown in the dog model .
4 This book is a contribution to the dissemination process and in attempting to make research ‘ user friendly ’ the style and language used are directed to non-academic readers primarily , it being well established that the language and presentation of academic research reports do not encourage wide readership .
5 Competition is thus established and the second-ranker comes effectively to prevent those of lower status from grooming the female above her .
6 She is affirming that delinquency is neither an inborn disposition nor something the child has contrived by himself ; that children learn to become delinquents by becoming members of groups in which delinquent conduct is already established and the ‘ thing to do ’ ; and that a child need not be ‘ different ’ from other children , that he need not have any twists or defects of personality or intelligence , in order to become a delinquent .
7 Most adenocarcinomas of the oesophagus , however , arise in CLO that is already established and the disparity between incidence and prevalence can be accounted for by the high proportion of the population with unrecognised disease , up to 20 times that of those detected .
8 It is similarly established where the defendant engages in sexual penetration with another and this occurs ‘ under circumstances involving the commission of any other felony . ’
9 Even where it is positively established that the right person was questioned , who by being present at the time had the nominal responsibility for cleaning the surface in question , the true reason for the fault may lie elsewhere being the result of one or other of the following factors :
10 Today the functions of a local authority almost invariably involve the expenditure of money and it is clearly established that a local authority may not spend money unless it has statutory authority to do so .
11 It is clearly established that the onus lies on the party repudiating the signed document to establish the necessary ingredients of non est factum and it would , in my opinion , have been open to the judge simply to have said that there was no evidence before him sufficient to establish Mrs. Steed 's lack of understanding of what she had signed .
12 It is now established that the North and South Poles exchange places about every 500,000 years .
13 It is well established that a director is a fiduciary .
14 It is well established that a public law decision by a local authority may be open to challenge by way of defence or counterclaim to an action brought by the local authority in the High Court or the county court , notwithstanding the fact that if the defendant had sought to begin the proceedings he would have had to do so by way of judicial review : see Wandsworth London Council v. Winder [ 1985 ] A.C. 461 .
15 Certainly it is well established that a man is not guilty of rape of a woman who is too drunk to consent even where it is he who has coaxed her to drink .
16 It is well established that a buyer may reject goods which do not conform to a contractual sample .
17 It is well established that the judge in a criminal trial has power to call a witness .
18 It is well established that the prehistoric amber trade , from Samland on the Baltic coast , used this route , and it was probably also used by German pastoralists and barbarian invaders .
19 It is well established that the loss of such services can be the basis of a claim under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 .
20 It is well established that the court will only exercise its power to dismiss a case at this stage in exceptional circumstances .
21 It is well established that the courts can not make a contract for the parties .
22 As many readers will know , most research in academic institutions and also in industry is concerned with the development of incremental advances ; that is , its essential framework is well established but the details are not known .
23 In Britain , democracy is well established but the relation of Scotland and Wales to the unitary state is disputed .
24 Nor will it do so in countries where genuine political democracy is firmly established and the electorate will no longer support the objectives .
25 It was quickly established that the occupier could not be liable under the rule merely for permitting a spontaneous accumulation ( e.g .
26 The international flavour of that first prize-giving ceremony in 1989 was instantly established when the winners included General Motors , Toyota and Honda .
27 It was also established that the Jews had been friends of the inhabitants of Pergamum in the time of Abraham ( Ant .
28 Their testimony was purely to establish that the substance they had seized was marijuana .
29 It was well established before the media got hold of it .
30 Mr. Langley on behalf of the Bank of England submitted that the basis of the injunction was the relationship of confidence subsisting between the Bank and its customer , and that it was well established that the duty of confidence was overridden by the duty to comply with the law , as shown by Reg. v. Inland Revenue Commissioners , Ex parte Taylor ( No. 2 ) [ 1989 ] 3 All E.R.
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