Example sentences of "[be] [adv] certain that the " in BNC.

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1 Rosa would have envied Mary her powers of passion , the open expression of her grief and her love , if she had not been so certain that the Madonna was entirely on her side .
2 At least when face-to-face contact is made you are fairly certain that the message gets through .
3 The average rejection rate per journal could be used as a weighting factor in assessing the impact of a particular thesis , or indeed paper , but it would be difficult to be totally certain that the comparison criteria had objective validity .
4 The average rejection rate per journal could be used as a weighting factor in assessing the impact of a particular thesis , or indeed paper , but it would be difficult to be totally certain that the comparison criteria had objective validity .
5 As it seemed to be fairly certain that the children would now not come that way and the main rides need be watched no longer , the Leader went back and called the thin man in .
6 We can be fairly certain that the pulvinar is not homologous with anything in the rat , or indeed in any other group , because its embryonic origins are so distinct ( Rakic 1974 ) .
7 Others have thought the figure an akroterion , and one can be fairly certain that the idea of making a free-standing statue in motion was first developed in that architectural context .
8 We can be fairly certain that the lives of most of the people were dominated by the need to provide the means of subsistence and somewhere to shelter .
9 We can be fairly certain that the lives of most of the people were dominated by the need to provide the means of subsistence and somewhere to shelter .
10 We can be virtually certain that the monarch in question is a queen , because of the restricting effect of the context on the general meaning of monarch .
11 I 'm virtually certain that the woman from whom we had most of the aggravation had been .
12 If they differed substantially in their subsequent support for the candidates , then we could be almost certain that the phoney poll information they were fed contributed to which candidate they supported .
13 ‘ And I 'm quite certain that the series of injuries was no more than an unfortunate set of coincidences . ’
14 With all his elaborate political machinery — his control of all the tradesmen in the town and of all the town 's six advowsons , his ownership of some two hundred houses each carrying a vote , his absolute control of the Mayor , the corporation and all the corporation offices — the Marquess of Exeter could not be absolutely certain that the remaining voters would not one day oust his candidates .
15 In this case we can be absolutely certain that the two bird species have invented echolocation independently of bats , and independently of each other .
16 The manner in which the security forces in Northern Ireland conduct themselves commands the admiration of all , and I am quite certain that the hon. Gentleman did not intend to impute any lack of commitment to them .
17 ‘ Mr Glastonbury , I 'm afraid we are virtually certain that the Admiral was killed by a member of the committee . ’
18 It is also certain that the number thirty-three in one of the quotations is a textual corruption : the Galatica may have had fewer books .
19 It is also certain that the Home Secretary knew of the special branch involvement by the time he made his statement on Judge Tumim 's inquiry .
20 To understand this point you should imagine ( or even actually perform ) your pronunciation of a sentence in a number of different ways : for example , if the sentence was ‘ I want to buy a new car ’ and you were to say it in the following ways : ‘ pleading ’ , ‘ angry ’ , ‘ sad ’ , ‘ happy ’ , ‘ proud ’ , it is certain that at least some of your performances will be different from some others , but it is also certain that the technique for analysing and transcribing intonation introduced earlier in the course will be found inadequate to represent the different things you do .
21 Is the Minister aware that on 10 December the National Rivers Authority told me , by letter , that it had taken two samples from the river — above the Coalite plant and below — and that the sample from the river above the plant showed a low level of dioxin , the one below the plant showed considerably higher levels of dioxin and that it is now certain that the dioxin is coming from the Coalite plant ?
22 In the following example , the question-tag is ‘ are n't they ’ ; when it has a falling tone , as in ( a ) , the implication is said to be that the speaker is comparatively certain that the information is correct , and simply expects the listener to provide confirmation , while the rising tone in ( b ) is said to indicate a lesser degree of certainty , so that the question-tag functions more like a request for information .
23 John Jay is equally certain that the court action will be won .
24 It is not surprising , since it is almost certain that the European Commission will shortly propose that labelling of ingredients for alcoholic drinks should become law throughout the community .
25 They dived down from out of the sun to the south and in view of the short space of time that had elapsed since the aircraft had landed it is almost certain that the enemy aircraft must have seen the Sunderland in the air .
26 It is almost certain that the tips will not be exactly in line with each other .
27 Notwithstanding the intention to apply the profit from the venture for ‘ charitable purposes , ’ it is almost certain that the Revenue would seek to charge that profit to tax .
28 For an official to be able to act in this way is probably unique in the world , and it is almost certain that the high motives of the draftees of this regulation have never been fully recognised .
29 It is almost certain that the presence of a product champion can be an advantage in such circumstances .
30 It is almost certain that the choice would have fallen on Francis Maginn , who deserved this distinction .
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