Example sentences of "[be] [adv] unlikely [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , these large seeds are rather unlikely to be moved uphill by dispersal agents , particularly as there are no large animals on the island where the palm grows .
2 Unless privatisation is delegated to the republics , the microeconomic conditions necessary for reform are most unlikely to be met .
3 Horses that are well handled from the time of being foals are most unlikely to be aggressive towards us .
4 This latter line is also statistically significant ; the points on the line are most unlikely to be there purely by chance .
5 As a consequence , the ambitions of the eradicationists , to see in a foreseeable time the disappearance of malaria world-wide , are most unlikely to be achieved .
6 Some ads will be about products which are most unlikely to be bought ; some , even , may concern products or product fields in which the reader is actively looking for something to buy .
7 Although many authorities can deal with routine applications within the eight weeks allowed to them , applications raising major issues and those dealing with large construction programmes , are extremely unlikely to be dealt with in anything like that period ( statistics on the length of time taken by local authorities in dealing with applications are produced regularly by the Department of the Environment ) .
8 I 'm not prepared to accept that any more than I am prepared to accept the hogwash that we heard from Bob Morgan and his Liberal Democrats , because of course it may be extremely comfortable for him to be acting like a beached dolphin on the shores of Abu Dhabi , but the fact of the matter is , of course , that the Liberal Democrats , with or without the backs of their envelopes and cigarettes packets , are extremely unlikely to be making any national legislation , so they are quite comfortable in being able to observe how others might or might not do it .
9 In addition to the relatively small number of producers , other requirements for perfect competition are also unlikely to be met in practice .
10 Whatever B replies to this last utterance of A , it would be most unlikely to be yes again , since A has clearly finished her instructions and it would be pointless to ‘ prompt ’ her to continue .
11 We can not in fact count the number of monomer units in a chain and we must remember that , even if we could , this number would be very unlikely to be the same for all chains .
12 US nuclear forces in Europe were also unlikely to be affected , with plans unchanged for the deployment of 500 tactical air-to-surface missiles ( TASMs ) by the end of the 1990s .
13 Thus , on these grounds alone , the second figure is most unlikely to be ancient .
14 However , the use of a tranquilliser is a last resort , and is most unlikely to be necessary for more than one in a hundred horses .
15 Many would argue that , in a real world of heterogeneous expectations , market imperfections , and asymmetrical access to information between managers and investors , the market is most unlikely to be able to price assets fairly in the manner in which finance theory suggests .
16 It is recognized that in practice ‘ equality in equilibrium ’ is most unlikely to be reached , since well before such processes could have fully played themselves out other changes may well have disrupted the system in other ways .
17 Where the practices of each of the merging firms are already compatible , much of the difficulty is removed but this is rather unlikely to be the case across the board .
18 On location where what criteria might be used to guide location , I 've said it 's most unlikely to be found in a built-up area , but clearly close to good communications networks is important and must be within a reasonably short travel time of the national highway network .
19 A happy thought is that a gain of 2–3 lb ( 1 kg ) in a day is extremely unlikely to be due to fat alone .
20 The policy behind section 6 of the Sexual Offences Act is presumably that Parliament considered that a girl under 16 is generally unlikely to be sufficiently mature to realise the full implications of sexual intercourse ; so that her protection demands that a belief by a man under the age of 24 that she herself was over the age of 16 should not be only an honest but also a reasonable belief . ’
21 It is thus unlikely to be packaged in membrane bound vesicles before release .
22 It is also unlikely to be popular with car-owning residents well aware of the increased likelihood of car vandalism or theft in garages not subject to residents ' casual surveillance .
23 A determined social ‘ agnostic ’ of Dick Crossman 's type is as unlikely to be deterred by minatory finger-wagging as by the pre-report situation .
24 A development of the Mark 3 , it contains some APT features including a curved narrowing body profile which would allow the body to tilt like the APT but which feature is now unlikely to be used .
25 Criminal libel is an ancient offence which is now unlikely to be invoked against the media by prosecuting authorities : the Law Commission has recommended its abolition , and one Law Lord has further pointed out that its scope conflicts with the European Convention on Human Rights .
26 The Trident dock is now unlikely to be built after Devonport bid £162 million for the refitting contract and Rosyth submitted an alternative £147 million proposal to upgrade its existing submarine docks .
27 I also think a promiscuous woman is very unlikely to be a happy woman . ’
28 It is therefore for the domestic courts to decide whether , in any particular case , the agreement does so clearly infringe Article 85 that an exemption is very unlikely to be granted by the Commission , even if it has been notified to the Commission , or whether there is no infringement of Article 85 and therefore the question of an exemption under Article 85(3) does not come into play .
29 Genetic make-up , early childhood socialisation , class divisions and inequalities of opportunity are things which we either do not know how to change , or would involve a degree of social and economic transformation which is very unlikely to be embarked on in the name of reducing crime .
30 In STV constituencies electing three , four or five members better proportionality than in single-member constituencies can be expected , but it is very unlikely to be accurate proportionality .
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