Example sentences of "[be] [adv] thought to be " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately for his thesis , women , who are normally thought to be more intuitive than men , have on average less spatial ability , while spatial ability is more important for scientific thinking than is verbal ability .
2 Provoked killings are generally thought to be less heinous than unprovoked killings , and provocation has long been accepted as a ground for reducing to manslaughter a killing which would otherwise fulfil the definition of murder .
3 The complex structures of the Gower Peninsula , and in particular the Cefn Bryn and Bishopston thrusts , are generally thought to be the continuation of the Front south of the South Wales coalfield .
4 Brüggen directs hard-driven , almost consciously abrasive performances of these two symphonies that are generally thought to be among Beethoven 's more genial offerings .
5 They are generally thought to be striking at Hipparchos not shown , an interesting but rather surprising concept ; one might rather see them as defending themselves against the bodyguard which cut them down .
6 Pupils here in the fifth year are generally thought to be dross .
7 Rational thought and behaviour are generally thought to be dependent in some ways upon an ability to reason logically .
8 Tacoma 's needle-exchange programmes are already thought to be showing results .
9 At the moment , Asahi Shinwa is officially only affiliated to AA International , but there are no obvious barriers to an eventual merger and the two firms are already thought to be holding discussions .
10 PROPERTY stocks and high interest rates are not thought to be a good combination .
11 Moreover , except in the context of a common market they are not thought to be of interest to outsiders .
12 A 23-year-old man was taken to York District Hospital but his injuries are not thought to be serious .
13 The two events are not thought to be connected .
14 It is women who are not thought to be assertive .
15 Parents that lack such feelings , and there are many , even if they do their duty ‘ for duty 's sake ’ are nonetheless thought to be morally deficient .
16 Engineers and ceremonial officers are usually thought to be solemn people .
17 Sales of mainframe systems are still thought to be earning the biggest profit .
18 However , as many as two dozen countries are still thought to be developing chemical weapons , and the treaty will not come into force until 1995 at the earliest .
19 A major chain of retailers has agreed to withdraw them from sale , but hundreds are still thought to be in use .
20 Look here , the there 's a programme on about er , Rembrandt here and it said of the ni , nine hundred and eighty eight Rembrandts in nineteen thirteen , only around three hundred are still thought to be genuine to a display of art
21 At least twelve prisoners are still thought to be inside the jail and refusing to give themselves up .
22 In other words , there is extensive support in Britain and many other western states for government welfare and economic programmes which help the ‘ deserving ’ poor , and are also thought to be credible and realistic .
23 As well as the low-end K2 boxes , Sequent will also be launching a series of high-end , Pentium-ready systems that are also thought to be NT-capable .
24 While regarded as able and industrious , senior staff are also thought to be remote , invisible , and above personal contact .
25 Moore has already been snubbed by her parents while other members of her family are also thought to be furious at her marriage to a loyalist murderer from Belfast 's Sandy Row .
26 The proximal colon and the small intestine are also thought to be dysfunctional in IBS .
27 There are also thought to be around 10,000 young homeless Scots in London at any given time .
28 Benefits are also thought to be in the firing line .
29 The Havelok text ( Bodleian MS Laud Misc 108 ) is one of those sources that has been traditionally thought to be the work of an Anglo-Norman scribe ( Sisam , 1915 ) on the grounds that the spelling is highly variable in the respects specified by Skeat and indeed in some other respects also .
30 He is an omnivorous poet , quite as comfortable in the world of technology as in that of animals , plants and other country matters , which are often thought to be the more proper subjects of poetry .
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