Example sentences of "[be] [adv] possible [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mind you , this is not quite as unsatisfactory as the ‘ Piano Quartet ’ set where it would have been just possible to confine Op. 26 and Op. 60 to the second disc , rather than breaking after the magical slow movement of the earlier of these two works .
2 And with a little give and take it would have been perfectly possible to share Water Gypsy , she thought resentfully .
3 In the rundown areas of inner cities which are unattractive to developers and other entrepreneurs it will often be only possible to stimulate business activity by an injection of public funds .
4 Independent research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies , ( The structure of alcohol taxes : a hangover from the past , 1990 ) and the Henley Centre for Forecasting ( Competition between alcoholic drinks : and analysis , 1991 ) has shown that , for instance , it would be perfectly possible to sustain tax revenue by levelling down the duty on spirits and levelling up the duty on wine so that all alcohol is taxed at the same rate .
5 However , independent research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies ( The Structure of Alcoholic Taxes : A Hangover from the past , 1990 ) and by the Henley Centre for Forecasting ( Competition between Alcoholic Drinks : An Analysis , 1991 ) indicates that it would be perfectly possible to sustain tax revenue by levelling down the duty on spirits , and levelling up the duty on wines and beers , so that all alcoholic drinks are taxed at the same rate of duty per degree of alcohol content .
6 Yet the pollution control sections of the agencies are ultimately impotent to secure the compliance of their colleagues in sewage treatment , lacking recourse to the legal sanction ( even if it were organizationally possible to prosecute fellow-workers ) .
7 Even when you have decided a broad direction , and I should emphasize that it is only possible to set ambitions in a broad sense and only helpful so to do , there will inevitably come times when external events show that one has made a false assessment of one 's starting point or the ability of one 's competitors , known or unsuspected , to seize the initiative .
8 It is perhaps possible to recognize traces of the version of Nicolas of Damascus in the account of Josephus in Bellum Judaicum 1 if we compare it with the much more elaborate story told by Josephus in his Antiquitates Judaicae .
9 Street lighting and roads are another example , for although it is physically possible to exclude users unless they pay a charge , it is prohibitively expensive to do so , except for roads in great demand like motorways and major bridges .
10 This may be too strong ; it is possible to state " general rules " for the interpretation of some common provisions , but those rules are only rebuttable presumptions and it is generally possible to find authorities to support a different interpretation .
11 It is thus possible to analyse factors in the situation , but not to make general statements about many aspects of the movement in population at this time .
12 It is thus possible to find cases where a final plosive becomes a fricative or nasal ( e.g. ‘ that side ’ , ‘ good night ’ ) , but most unlikely that a final fricative or nasal would become a plosive .
13 It is not possible to reconcile love and possessions .
14 Currently it is not possible to give 100% reassurance that an at risk individual has not inherited the faulty APC gene , unless they are shown not to have the family mutation .
15 But in many real-life situations it is not possible to collect information about every case — or the whole ‘ population ’ , as we call it .
16 Readers wishing to make a similar tray should note that it is not possible to assign values arbitrarily to the sides of the rectangle and ‘ rise ’ of both flaps and expect the resulting outline to be a smooth one .
17 It will be argued that basically these sentences are semantically deviant ; however , it must also be recognised that it is not possible to disentangle semantics from grammar completely .
18 It is not possible to control cost in isolation because of the interdependence of quality , cost and time .
19 At the time of printing it is not possible to confirm Clive Owen and Leslie Phillips will be present .
20 Although it is not possible to arrange times , dates and venues that are convenient to all people at all times , the various groups aim to do their best .
21 Strictly speaking it is not possible to compare contents , address by address , because addresses do n't correspond to each other across species barriers .
22 So it is not possible to test Goody 's hypothesis since one can not find an isolated society on which to test the cognitive and other consequences of ‘ purely ’ oral communication .
23 In extreme circumstances if it is not possible to take leave before leaving due to work demands then it may be possible for the employee to be paid .
24 One of the most common practical problems at the time of someone 's death is that there are lots of extra expenses involved and yet it is not possible to get hold of cash or obtain access to funds because financial accounts have to be reorganized following the death of the person concerned .
25 Health statistics tend to relate to large psychiatric hospitals which include younger patients and often it is not possible to distinguish costs for acute or assessment beds or for outpatient or day hospital attendances .
26 Recent work has confined that it is not possible to measure intensity of subjective sensation in a way that is distinct from and independent of measurement of the physical stimulus from which it is derived ; that Fechner 's logarithmic transform exists only as a mathematical construction to link reports of sensations with measurements of stimuli ; and an experimental subject 's conformity to Stevens ' power law depends on his getting the experiment ‘ right ’ .
27 We might argue for a logical ordering between Levels 1 and 2 on the grounds that it is not possible to measure differences between people if you do not realise that they vary .
28 The need for this editing by copying , which requires the use of a second video machine , of course , is brought about because it is not possible to edit video tapes by physically cutting and rejoining them as you would a cine film or sound tape .
29 If the agreement is subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , then it is important that it does not contravene its provisions : e.g. in certain circumstances it is not possible to exclude liability for death or personal injuries at all .
30 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
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