Example sentences of "[be] [pron] [pers pn] 'd [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There had been something they 'd said .
2 Must have been something we 'd eaten .
3 In effect , I 'd lost a day and I wondered if there had been something I 'd planned to do that Monday , like work , for instance .
4 It must have been something he 'd seen his mother do .
5 She glanced down at him as though he were something she 'd found smeared on the sole of her shoe after visiting an abattoir .
6 ‘ If I had been what you 'd imagined , I 'd look like an assassin , and you 'd say I was too obvious . ’
7 keep it okay for you in fact that 's who I 'd thought you 'd gone to , I thought you had called in at their house like cos must of seen his , I thought you must of seen his run out his car at
8 Client , you know there 's something I 'd forgotten all about .
9 Well that 's what they 'd said to Melody Maker .
10 Yeah that 's what they 'd said to Melody Maker .
11 The reference call to the hotel , The Randolph — that 's what he 'd remembered clearest of all , really : he 'd looked up the telephone number and then been put through , on the extension given to him by his client , to the Deputy Manageress , who had promptly and effusively vouched for the bona fides of Rent-a-Car 's prospective customer .
12 That 's what he 'd told them , and now they were waiting .
13 that 's what I 'd guessed , erm , so I said no , I said they 're fine , so she said oh I 'm ever so sorry I said do n't be I said these sort of things get around , I mean it 's , she kept go and then I went on to describe how I virtually done not too a dissimilar thing going up the road trying to talk to people about writing in to object , you know with this planning application and erm , I said I sort of knock on someone 's door up there and I thought it was the next door that the husband had died and it was that one
14 I 'd chosen London over Oxford , and that 's what I 'd got .
15 That 's what I 'd overlooked .
16 With a little shake of her head , she changed it to , ‘ I need to know if Gramps knew that 's what you 'd said . ’
17 If members would accept the additional resolution which stands in my name erm which reads this is what we 'd copied to all district councils and they would be made aware of the county council 's views on the matter .
18 Is what I 'd expected to happen actually happening ?
19 This is what she 'd grown into . ’
20 Slice the top off , scoop out the seeds , and a drop of Oporto is what she 'd said .
21 ‘ The Sahara Desert was everything I 'd hoped it would be and more ’ , says Evans .
22 I was everything he 'd dreamed of .
23 Excitement colouring her voice , she said , ‘ Mamma kept a diary — apparently it was something she 'd done since being a girl .
24 The design , the cover informed her , was inspired by ancient Viking jewellery , which explained the serpentine interweaving of the colours , and her brain and fingers co-ordinated over the task with such dexterity that Leonora had no doubt this was something she 'd done often before .
25 ‘ It was something he 'd seen , I think . ’
26 His civilized behaviour was something he 'd learned to do .
27 I was standing in the back of a small boat , drifting down some English river I 've never seen — the kind with dappled , overhang-ing leaves reflected in the water — grasping a punt-pole in my hands and propelling the flat boat like it was something I 'd done for years .
28 I had a little stomach-ache and I thought it was something I 'd eaten .
29 I decided it was something I 'd eaten and went back to sleep . ’
30 It was something I 'd dreamed of since I was a boy humping golf-bags nearly as big as me .
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