Example sentences of "[be] [art] measure of the " in BNC.

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1 These these are a measure are n't they they 're a measure of the quality of what we 're going to do over the next two days and therefore I will come back to these tomorrow afternoon I will check through them and if everybody can say yes yes I 'm satisfied with that then we 've achieved what we set out to achieve today .
2 That has been a measure of the little big man ; the best brought out the best in him .
3 A different response to the issues of " relevance " , and perhaps the more common one within higher education from the 1960s , was to take the degree of " adequacy " of literary awareness to be the measure of the individual student 's " intelligence " or " maturity " .
4 The quality audit will be the measure of the calibre of centres ' internal quality systems and will provide the means by which SCOTVEC can decide whether a centre is ready to accept devolved responsibility for operating any of the quality elements .
5 The number of enquiries which a bureau receives can not be a measure of the value of or need for the service .
6 The logarithm of the number would be a measure of the amount of information that was irretrievably lost during the collapse through the event horizon when a black hole was created .
7 It may be a measure of the state of the property market these days when offices are said to have shown the greatest improvement in May with capital growth ‘ improving ’ to minus 6.4 per cent , combining with stable yields and rental values to give a total return for the year to date of 1.5 per cent , according to the latest Richard Ellis Scottish Monthly Index .
8 Graham Morris , managing director of Rover Europe , said the scheme was further proof of the company 's determination to give customers an industry-leading level of care and service , as well as being a measure of the confidence Rover had in its products .
9 This is the measure of the legislative programme .
10 That is the measure of the success story of the Government 's expansion of owner-occupation .
11 In 1995 , one in 3 qualified youing people will go to University ; that is the measure of the this Government 's commitment to higher education .
12 That 's the measure of the man .
13 It 's a measure of the esteem in which Altman is held that many of the close to 70 stars who appear were willing to commit themselves to a project which so ruthlessly satirizes their very existence .
14 It is a measure of the grim recalcitrance of the region 's problems that Schultz 's message was reported to have been saluted by a strike called in protest among the Palestinians of the occupied territories .
15 It is a measure of the current popularity of marquetry that there were 404 entries to the competitions , of which 93 came from the Harrow chapter
16 It is a measure of the enthusiasm which he observed that , when Sadler duly provided a reading-list — tactfully headed with the ‘ King 's Book ’ , an episcopal compilation in which Henry VIII had had a hand — he felt it necessary to advise caution ; religious works circulating too freely had their own dangers , as Henry had recognized , when he passed an act in that year forbidding the reading of them by unfit groups , women , artificers and labourers .
17 IT IS a measure of the strength of the entry for the Hi-Tec British Open Championships that the world No 28 , Brett Newton , of Australia , found himself eliminated in the first round of the qualifying competition yesterday .
18 It is a measure of the variability of taste that the first of these now seems one of Leapor 's least interesting poems .
19 Its quality is a measure of the craftsmanship which they have brought to their writing .
20 It is a measure of the seriousness of the arguments we put that , more than six months later , the Department still failed to issue the ruling , which it had promised to deliver as a matter of some urgency .
21 Soil texture has been defined as ‘ a store of building materials ’ — stone , gravel , sand , silt , clay , organic matter , etc. — and is a measure of the potential of the land concerned .
22 The gas-generating potential decreases as the maturity increases and thus this decrease is a measure of the amount of gas generated and expelled from the coal during its thermal history .
23 This width is a measure of the velocity — and , hence the energy and temperature — of the ions in the plasma . )
24 This is a measure of the degree to which Patrick Jenkin , the Industry Secretary , has changed the stance of this part of the government following his appointment in September 1981 .
25 It is a measure of the tension and complexities of our contemporary society that the police have gradually been transformed from a universal corpus of ordinary police officers performing all manner of general duties , including public order maintenance , to one which now in part approaches the quasi-military-order police model of continental Europe and elsewhere .
26 These are all , in effect , tests of manners , not morals , since propriety is a measure of the appropriateness of public behaviour to a particular time or place .
27 This number in turn is a measure of the amount of fusions that have taken place .
28 The hardness of water is a measure of the total dissolved inorganic chemicals ( salts ) — principally those of calcium and magnesium .
29 But it is a measure of the man that he turned his energies not in the direction of the limelight , but to effecting a quiet , persistent transformation within Amnesty International , starting with its International Secretariat .
30 It is a measure of the fundamental instincts of Citrine and his colleagues that , where they had the greater power to centralise , it was centralisation , and not devolved responsibility , which was their watchword .
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