Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] [pers pn] felt " in BNC.

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1 Grace had appeared in supporting roles in West End productions for the last twenty years and he knew she would be word-perfect when she felt it necessary .
2 Then she realised that he must be hungry and she felt a pang of that pity which is akin to love .
3 It was difficult to be cheerful when we felt danger all around us .
4 The stems were wet and she felt the dampness seeping through her woollen gloves .
5 The World squad matches in New Zealand were great and I felt in fine fettle there but after injury in Australia it has been quite a struggle .
6 There , they were brilliant and I felt as though they were just starting to work when finished .
7 The workers in section 61 were angry because they felt , firstly , that the quotas of production allocated to white workers were unfair compared with the quota allocated to them ; secondly , because conditions of work were different for Asian workers — their washing times , lunch breaks and toilet breaks were restricted ; and thirdly because , although most of the workers were Asians , the union branch had an overwhelmingly white shop steward 's committee ( there was only one Asian shop steward ) which was not only uninterested in their struggles but actively opposed to them .
8 My memories of that event are hazy but I felt that I should have somehow or other done something , crawled about the burning ground with my leg hanging off singing ‘ There 'll always be an England ’ and waving a tattered Union Jack over the hedge in defiance .
9 Ah now that 's better only it felt as if my
10 If politicians were normally able to manipulate freeholders and councillors by judicious use of their patronage powers , it is equally clear that they were on occasion themselves manipulated , and for all David Scott 's obvious embarrassment over the Robinson affair , it is evident that he felt unable to show much resentment towards the man who had led him into that predicament .
11 It was hot , her skin was clammy and she felt sick .
12 If Burun had originated the plot , it was possible that he felt some responsibility towards Sidacai .
13 ‘ Paul Wilkinson was outstanding but I felt the other front players were not effective .
14 The zoologist was upset because she felt that the small animal had suffered from the journey in the box and she was responsible for its death .
15 Was that where she felt ‘ hemmed in ’ ?
16 The exhibition was crowded and I felt that , really , this was for Hungarians , as though I were intruding on a private grief .
17 The tension was such that she felt sudden relief as they went out of the small room into the air .
18 For a moment , she was tense when she felt the strength and power of his naked body against her own , but there was no pressure , no instant demand in his embrace , and she soon relaxed again .
19 Late autumn was cold and we felt the winter would be bad .
20 He was unhappy but he felt he had at last sorted his life out .
21 The fit of this brace was firm and it felt comfortable , despite the fact that it is an off-the-shelf model ( its older brother , the CTI , is custom-fit ) and I found I was able to ski with some confidence in my otherwise highly unstable knee .
22 Jehana was trying so hard to demonstrate that she did not care for Alexei 's attentions that he was sure that she felt attracted to him .
23 He liked her very much , and I was sure that she felt the same about him .
24 He rested against the bank , waiting , and this time he was sure that he felt something .
25 At night I would often get up and go for long walks in the school grounds , especially when the moon was full and I felt particularly restless , enjoying the silence and solitude of the woods .
26 The weather was hot and I felt little interest in ruins ; but the Parthenon proved to have a matchless beauty for which I was quite unprepared .
27 As he came nearer , he realized that the house was familiar and he felt faint with terror .
28 With the second , the pregnancy was miserable and I felt ill most of the time .
29 At last he was naked and she felt the rough touch of his skin slide over her , bearing her down .
30 Anne 's face was red and she felt ready to burst with anger but she picked up the baby and escaped to the bathroom .
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