Example sentences of "[be] [prep] the centre of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I still do n't see why we 're at the centre of the Universe , ’ said Gedanken .
2 So they all think they 're at the centre of the Big Bang . ’
3 For another thing , the region is one of the edge of things if I may so put it and that 's why I 'm down here I mean as , as I know when we 're up there we 're at the centre of things , but lots of people do n't
4 If the well had been in the centre of an ash grove ever since it was discovered , it is no wonder that it was deemed sacred , for ash was holy to the ancients .
5 Knowing that the crew must all have been in the centre of the fuselage at crash stations , we also knew they must all be dead .
6 Fenella had been standing towards the back of the Robe-room , half hidden by the racks of shimmering robes , but Caspar had been in the centre of the room , midway between two of the racks .
7 You 've been in the centre of things .
8 He added : ‘ We are in the centre of Europe and intend to stay there . ’
9 They are in the centre of town .
10 The interior layout is smart and practical with accessible switches , though the electric front window controls are in the centre of the dash .
11 These important pages are in the centre of the magazine .
12 These grasslands are in the centre of Australia and have a very low population density .
13 ‘ Perhaps I 'm near the centre of the earth .
14 The centre of the back end should be near the centre of the door , and the axis of the rear half of the truck should be perpendicular to the door .
15 ‘ One of the very great and rare educators , he knew the art department had to be in the centre of the school , and not way down in some field : he encouraged me to get on with it . ’
16 He imagined himself to be in the centre of the city now , surrounded by its magnificent old crumbling buildings , its churches and palaces , villas and castles filled with the rich trappings of the centuries and set about by the bustle , the noise , the filth , squalor and abject poverty of the streets .
17 ‘ But you know how she always likes to be in the centre of things . ’
18 Join back neckband seam ( this will be in the centre of the back ) .
19 If your display will be in the centre of a table , your shortest flowers should be placed around the sides of the container , and the tallest in the middle .
20 it might be in the centre of the P L C C's .
21 I 'm at the centre of a giant trapezoid monument to life : poised between dumb gravity and my senseless urge to struggle on .
22 I 'm at the centre of this universe as well . ’
23 Hitler was never again to be at the centre of public attention as he was for a while following the plot of 20 July 1944 .
24 Britain will be at the centre of these negotiations .
25 The Charter will be at the centre of government 's decision-making throughout the 1990s .
26 To begin with there must be detailed analyses of small and intermediate-size LOCA 's as well as the large double ended breaks that used to be at the centre of safety analyses and formed the so-called ‘ design basis ’ accident .
27 It emerged that the Reverend Mackenzie , in his sixties and far from well , was alleged to be at the centre of such rituals .
28 To understand how these families , regarded by their Orcadian neighbours as good , clean-living people , came to be at the centre of such serious allegations , it is necessary to go back a few years .
29 Pray that God 's vision and detail will be at the centre of organising Go ‘ 92 children 's ministries .
30 HAPPY Prince Andrew has a ball on the golf course … unaware that he is about to be at the centre of a new royal taping scandal .
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