Example sentences of "[be] [prep] danger of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The we 're coming closer on the er figures for the er staff turnover and I believe that the four percent , which is easily achievable , on the thirty first of December nineteen ninety two the turnover savings were running just below four percent , alright we just cut some of the post out of today 's budget but I still think if we give the wrong messages to the officers er we 're in danger of spending money that we do n't need to .
2 Dixon had strongly recommended Thackeray , and had concluded his letter by expressing the hope that his Lordship had not ( as he had himself had been in danger of doing ) suffered in the recent inclement season by the want of fuel .
3 American sympathy with Chinese dissenters , inspired by the Tiananmen Square uprising in 1989 , is such that Chinese refugees have no difficulty in proving that they are in danger of persecution at home : of the 3,440 Chinese who sought asylum in 1992 , only 89 were rejected .
4 * Either rewrite thoroughly or quote exactly : in between , you are in danger of plagiarism ( see pp. 109 – 10 ) .
5 Should these primeval conflicts re-appear without effective means of resolution or containment , then we are justified in saying that the foundations of modern society , like the rotting wooden piles on which the city of Venice stands , are in danger of erosion , perhaps even of total dissolution :
6 More study needs to be made of garden buildings and structures in later Victorian and Edwardian town gardens , which were often laid out on an elaborate scale and contain interesting features that have been entirely forgotten ; these are in danger of destruction as the gardens of suburban houses are divided up for redevelopment .
7 ‘ One night on that , my son , and you are in danger of electrocution , ’ I said to the young Sheikh as the unctuous Asian salesman waited .
8 Lives of individuals and families are deeply damaged ; and in the case of the miners , whole communities are in danger of danger of being shattered .
9 The idea is graphically summarised by Alison Norman : ‘ We are all familiar with the advertisements and Christmas begging letters which ask for money in terms which suggest that old people are in danger of hypothermia or social isolation simply because they are old — not because they do not have sufficient incomes to heat and repair their homes or to pay for a taxi or telephone . ’
10 Brazil 's population of manatees — a large aquatic mammal — are in danger of extinction through hunting and pollution .
11 The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ) has drawn up a five-year conservation programme aimed at preserving livestock breeds which are in danger of extinction as a result of the spread of Western farming practices .
12 Inclusion on the list indicates that the species are in danger of extinction in the UK , or likely to become so , unless conservation measures are taken .
13 No one ever explained what the danger zone was , or that people living outside the no-go area might still be in danger of contamination .
14 Without them sizable part of its economy would be in danger of collapse .
15 A town centre wall feared to be in danger of collapse could cost up to £60,000 to put right .
16 It subsequently turned out that it was the sitting tenants who were in danger of harassment .
17 Areas of particular concern were where elderly people were in danger of self neglect , abuse , or inability to manage their own affairs because of mental infirmity .
18 Wounded men falling headlong into shell-holes were in danger of drowning
19 The Middle East Economic Digest ( MEED ) of March 8 quoted an Algerian Red Cross official as saying that an estimated 9,000,000 Iraqis were in danger of disease as a result of medical shortages , and that the mortality rate in emergency cases had risen from 6 per cent to 20 per cent .
20 Here , as before , we see how claims which were thought to be just and well-attested in practice , were in danger of extinction from the lack of the documents which met the requirements of a new age .
21 Despite rationing and a vigorous ‘ Dig for Victory ’ — not to mention ‘ Drain for Victory ’ — campaign , the people of Britain were in danger of starving .
22 They use certain key criteria ( ‘ danger clues ’ ) to help them decide whether or not a child has been abused and/or is in danger of abuse .
23 THE office party is in danger of extinction as six out of 10 companies slash their Christmas spending .
24 The Panafrican News Agency ( PANA ) is in danger of closing because many African governments are not paying their contributions .
25 If so , the whole edifice so carefully reconstructed by Finnis is in danger of collapse .
26 On Feb. 13 Prime Minister Petre Roman declared that " due to the anarchic strikes in the railway system … the national economy is in danger of collapse " .
27 A vicar has had to cancel twenty weddings because his church roof is in danger of collapse .
28 ‘ It having been stated to Samuel Whitbread Esq. , and to me … that Mary Flint , now in the Bedford Infirmary , is in danger of death in consequence of the wounds and injuries which she received from you , we intend to take her examination at the said Infirmary on Tuesday 8th October inst. at 1 o'clock of the afternoon of which I give you this notice that you may if you think proper be present . ’
29 The Zimmermann farm was in danger of bankruptcy if Willi did n't control himself .
30 That was in danger of happening .
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