Example sentences of "[be] [verb] alone in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pilar has been living alone in the huge house and has struggled to maintain it with four staff .
2 ‘ Oh techniques of surveillance , when you 're sitting alone in a car you move into the passenger seat , make it look as if you 're waiting for the driver to come back … the trouble is , I never got a posting where I had to use it . ’
3 How Gemma Gibson came to be left alone in a flat in Hammersmith , London seems likely to remain unclear until she comes back .
4 Then an attempted entry to a local authority hairdressing course went embarrassingly wrong ; it finished with Mrs Finni having to spell out her daughter 's handicap to students and a flustered teacher who eventually refused to accept responsibility for a girl who could never be left alone in the classroom .
5 ‘ It is not usual for a king to be left alone in the field at the end of a withdrawal .
6 ‘ Well , er , and then we ask him to let us be left alone in the quarry . ’
7 ‘ Is it not a fact ’ , asked one delegate , ‘ that our wives and mothers , if they are left alone in the house at night , are frightened to open their doors ? ’
8 Police said social services officers are to investigate why the children had been left alone in the house .
9 He presumed the dog must have been left alone in the house .
10 Ever since that night when , with their father away inspecting a distant building site , they had been left alone in the house for the first time , and the ‘ broth ’ had decided to wreak mayhem .
11 Obviously she is very upset being left alone in a strange country and we are looking after her at the police station .
12 ‘ Did you ever worry about your daughter 's living alone in a city ? ’
13 When we first meet them , Dorothy is living alone in the schoolhouse and Agnes is in lodgings along the main road which leads eventually to the Midlands .
14 This move had three objects : to complete the education of our two younger children , Fiona at Fettes ( where my old Highfield playmate Inky Chenevix-Trench was now headmaster ) and Alastair at the Edinburgh Academy ; to have Moira 's mother who was living alone in an Edinburgh flat and becoming increasingly tottery to live with us ; and to own property once again and so benefit from its ever-increasing rise in value .
15 For at the very time he was sitting alone in the house , in the early hours of the morning of the funeral day , reading again his father 's will , the most modern ship in the world , the SS Titanic , was going down stern first , with all its lights blazing into the icy waters of the North Atlantic .
16 She had hoped for the opportunity of a quiet word with Iris , of trying to smooth her ruffled feelings before the day 's work , but to her surprise and annoyance she found Rose Kettle at their table and Brigitte laying a third place , while Dora , stony-faced , was sitting alone in the farthest corner .
17 They went back — except for Pardy who came forward — or was it that the others went back and he was left alone in a forward position ?
18 After the film , each child was left alone in a room to play with a Bobo doll .
19 I was left alone in the middle of eight million people .
20 Nearly every weekday afternoon Matilda was left alone in the house .
21 She was left alone in the room .
22 The Gaijin who were with Sipotai had melted away from his side so that he was left alone in the middle of an escort of Merkuts .
23 Now , while this had been happening to the fisherman , his poor dumb wife was left alone in the lonely hut .
24 In April 1872 Mme Flaubert died ; Gustave was left alone in the big house , having meals at a large table ‘ tête-à-tête with myself ’ .
25 And I was frightened , I tell you , when I was left alone in the crypt , with a single candle to light my way , and discerned gradually , as my eyes grew accustomed to the dark , the subjects of the Prince 's experiments , standing upright , sentinels at each wall of the chamber , with glittering eyes and teeth .
26 One last kiss , then Kate was left alone in the small bedroom that she used when she came home .
27 On this depressing thought they both went upstairs , and after another fight , which she lost , Kate was left alone in the big bedroom .
28 Two days later , Allitt helped a doctor make up a drug he was being treated with and was left alone in the treatment room while the doctor saw another patient , said Mr Goldring .
29 Eachuinn Odhar was standing alone in the bows , one hand on the high dragonhead that was no more rigid than himself , staring forward after the grey veils of rain that swept past and away ahead .
30 He was standing alone in the middle of the bridge .
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