Example sentences of "[be] [verb] himself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ as if he only happens to be with us by accident and could just as easily be amusing himself at some other job elsewhere . ’
2 We think , therefore , that it is absolutely necessary in order to carry on the Business of this Establishment , as perfectly as possible , that two such Characters should be appointed — and we , in consequence suggest , that altho ’ each be as much as possible qualified in both Departments , yet if one were to devote himself to one Branch and the other to the other branch — the College would be much more usefully directed — for , if one Professor were fully qualified for both — yet so arduous a task could not possibly be executed by one Man only .
3 Back with a ragga version of a Beatles song , he 's bracing himself for another savaging , but at least he 's got a hit , he tells TERRY STAUNTON .
4 That is absolutely incorrect , and I take it that the hon. Gentleman is dissociating himself from Labour Front Bench policy on the Maastricht settlement .
5 The male 's usual pattern is to position himself on higher ground , above the females , keeping careful watch on their every move .
6 At this momentous hour His Excellency the Governor of Burma is to dedicate himself to Almighty God for the task with which he has been entrusted .
7 He 's wearing himself to heavy ovals ,
8 Graham is boring himself in one of his car magazines
9 Opposition to the Shah 's regime was disparate — fragments of the old National Front , a survival from the times of Mossadeq in the 1940s and 1950s ; a miscellany of resurgent Islamic and minor left-wing groups ; the pro-Moscow Tudeh Party ; disappointed businessmen who perceived the hand of the Shah 's family behind every deal they failed to clinch ; and smaller traders who resented the Shah 's busying himself with high prices in the bazaar .
10 Thus ( 15a ) presupposes that the person referred to by I has been waiting for news about someone whom he thought to be in danger , whereas ( 15b ) does not , and might be said rather by someone who is comparing himself with other people who do not know this fact .
11 GRAHAM GOOCH is preparing himself for one last big effort as an England Test captain on a foreign field .
12 The acquisition of the sacred relic of the blood of Christ by the important monastery of Reichenau ( on Lake Constance ) in the 920s , its veneration there , and Otto I 's associating himself with that veneration , is an example of this religious feeling .
13 Arthur and Geoff were already there and the ARP organist was surpassing himself with appropriate music .
14 So in the end it would be Maxim 's name on the pieces of paper , not whatever Sims was calling himself on this trip .
15 He was defending himself with great skill , every now and then sliding his hands down the staff and striking at a distance with its full length , and then suddenly changing direction and bringing the shortened end up in a jab at the face or stomach of one of the attackers he had tempted to come too close .
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