Example sentences of "glanced at " in BNC.

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1 He glanced at her .
2 She glanced at her watch .
3 The title alone is enough to show that this piece , if it avoids giving offence in the ways just glanced at , will offend none the less .
4 He must have sensed that I was looking at him , he suddenly glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and , still cleaning the mess tin with his finger , he said quietly , ‘ Why are you staring at me like that , Piper ?
5 Outside in the cobbled farmyard I glanced at the side of the barn .
6 I glanced at the faces on either side of the Colonel , but I was still fascinated by Charlie Vaughan .
7 He glanced at Bardsley , a fair rabbity man , like his sister but less well-favoured , and he observed his suit .
8 Wexford glanced at the curled lip , the hard direct eyes .
9 He just sort of glanced at the photos and then carried on talking .
10 The route had been marked by the reconnaissance platoon ; even so , as they moved at speed past each key point vehicle commanders glanced at their maps to check their progress .
11 Frau Nordern glanced at a menu , ‘ And the prices have hardly gone up at all . ’
12 Frau Nordern glanced at her watch but seemed in no hurry to move .
13 He glanced at his watch .
14 He glanced at the watch Bodo admired so much .
15 She glanced at the book-laden table and at the general disarray .
16 Davidson , taken aback , glanced at his watch .
17 McLeish glanced at Catherine who was already on her feet , and Jennifer Morgan nodded in acquiescence .
18 He glanced at Catherine but she had obviously noticed nothing out of the way .
19 McLeish glanced at the clock on Yeo 's desk and saw that he was running behind ti me , as tended to happen at this stage in an investigation when you needed to be in six places at once .
20 He glanced at her , being taken aback to find her looking strained and as near plain as anyone with her looks was going to .
21 Peter Yeo was still looking out of the window , and Claudia glanced at his familiar back , too short and too broad despite the most expensive tailoring , with real anxiety , ‘ You do n't honestly think that , do you , Peter ?
22 He glanced at the bank .
23 Suddenly conscious that he was flashing past vehicles which appeared to be dawdling , he glanced at the speedometer .
24 Bella opened her mouth to disagree , glanced at Harriet Shakespeare and shut it again .
25 Finally , Bella glanced at her , but then turned her attention back to the screen again .
26 Charity glanced at the clock as she poured and announced that she 'd missed it , Peregrine asking if it mattered a hoot anyway , the wireless these day being so hopelessly uninformative , with nothing more important to impart than news of patrol activity on the Maginot Line .
27 He glanced at Rock Hardy , finding comfort in the familiar face .
28 Just as Jos glanced at the incessant downpour and said .
29 He glanced at the clock and nodded his approval without breaking the rhythm created by his fingers on the strings .
30 Instead he glanced at her delicate china tea-cup and saucer and marvelled afresh that he had never , in all his life , actually seen her eat .
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