Example sentences of "to act [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , it is accepted that if a minister is made the deciding authority he will often have to act through officers to collect the material and the officer may even make the decision in the minister 's name .
2 Does not he think that we are a bad example to tell people to act through the United Nations when we as a Government have failed to do so ?
3 If his appointor is for the time being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor .
4 If his appointor is for the time being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor .
5 Priests continued to act as sponsors of the local catholic — nationalist political structure , chairing meetings of the party and permitting the political use of the parish hall .
6 Trust Claire to act as if she were the centre of attention .
7 The Lions would provide us with signs and men to act as car park attendants .
8 A good proportion of our work concerned our availability to act as an unacknowledged arm of the social welfare service to drug users in crisis situations , providing a front-line service for the ‘ speed freaks who 's OD 'd on the results of a bent script ’ , or the ‘ acid heads having a bad trip ’ , for we were in the streets , the pubs , the clubs , the crash pads , and communal houses frequented by the new ‘ alternative society ’ .
9 It was this ‘ nature ’ that caused Nathan to act as the factory supervisor — ‘ a good guy ’ so far as the workers were concerned ; and allowed Horace the seniority , as ‘ a front-office man . ’
10 A fine of £4,000 is certainly not going to act as any kind of deterrent to her future behaviour .
11 The ‘ A ’ solution is not applied to act as a de-greaser on the wood , but to make sure that the surface of the wood is alkaline .
12 To take advantage of the lower charges , Age Concern England agreed to act as an agent for the movement .
13 However , the Circular states that they will also be expected to ‘ retain the ability to act as direct service providers , if other forms of service provision are unforthcoming or unsuitable .
14 However , there is nothing in the White Paper to act as a positive incentive for such work , and Age Concern is worried by the proposal in Working Paper 3 that once allocations are made to practices holding their own budgets , they will be free to shift expenditure within the year between the individual components of the budget .
15 ( The asbestos had been built into the carriages to act as sound and heat insulation , but had of course later been found to be a health hazard . )
16 To make the structure more rigid cut and fix four angled poles into the corners as shown to act as braces
17 Some processor memory should be available to act as external emulation memory for the processor and there should also be adequate memory to allow a trigger trace analysis to be performed .
18 I have declined to act as external examiner to candidates whose subject or thesis title seemed to be so dubious that a successful treatment of it could only be done by a candidate of exceptional brilliance ; in such cases it is likely that the candidate has had inadequate or misguided supervision .
19 The UK Forum on Young People and Gambling aims to act as a co-ordination and information centre , and to provide counselling and advice to youngsters with gambling problems — mainly with fruit machines .
20 New departments and quangos would , according to the review , be designed to act as irritants and antagonists within the Civil Service system .
21 It would also now risk being seen to act as much in the interests of its own credibility , as in support of a sincerely-held belief .
22 What I do know is that it is disgraceful and defamatory to label as stooges the people from the Borough Community Relations Council who gave up a day 's work to act as observers , and who have made it clear that they would have reported whatever they had seen , good or bad for police .
23 Francois Heisbourg , the institute 's director , said that growing tensions between different members of the Warsaw Pact are undermining its ability to act as an alliance .
24 It also approved the Democracy and the Individual review , proposing : To replace the House of Lords with an elected second chamber ; Devolved assemblies for Scotland , Wales , and the regions of England ; Unification of Ireland only by consent of the majority in the North ; A Freedom of Information Act ; A Ministry for Women ; A Department of Legal Administration to run the courts ; Extend legal aid ; A statutory duty on local councils to provide integrated child care services for the under-fives ; A Children 's Commissioner to act as an ombudsman on childrens ' rights ; Firm opposition to reform of the voting system for the House of Commons .
25 The Rayner Review stated : ‘ Particular attention needs to be paid to all information collected or costs incurred primarily to meet demands outside central government … in general there is no more reason for govermment to act as universal provider in the statistical field than in any other .
26 He said he had wanted to see a national statistics council to act as a protective agency 10 years ago .
27 Meteorologists have confirmed that , for the first time in years , the prevailing winter winds were easterly , and a navy hydrographer said the surface area of the submerged craft would have been enough to act as a sail and counter the current .
28 The idea for a national committee to act as an independent watchdog has been proposed behind the scenes by Sir David Cox , one of the world 's most eminent statisticians .
29 A series of hijackings and bomb hoaxes in the west of the city was apparently designed to act as a diversion as a mass escape was made .
30 The basic offence would cover amateur hackers who access systems for fun and would be intended to act as a general deterrent to all types of hacking .
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