Example sentences of "[conj] left [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had tough parents to match , but an elder sister Gloria of such melting tenderness and charm that left one confounded by the biological processes .
2 He reached out and tugged her into the V of his thighs , dropping his mouth to hers and taking it in a kiss that left her gasping for breath and so shaken she could barely stand .
3 He pulled her to him , kissing her with a fierce , demanding passion that left her clinging to him .
4 With various delicate transitions that left me sighing in assent , the film now turned into a gentle parodic love story , the girl civilizing Spunk — teaching him how to dress , eat , speak — and Spunk decivilizing her : teaching her to kick the booze , the pick-ups , the self-destruction , the money ( they go primitive for a while , after Spunk has an urban breakdown .
5 Sandy shot a 71 , though , and that left him tied for the lead with David Graham , who we played with , of course , for the third round .
6 Two of the bigger boys from Thorpe Street had once tried to outswing him for a dare , but Barry Lock had turned chicken at the last minute and Valance Fraser , who fancied himself as the cock of the street , had managed only a partial swing that left him dangling by his arms in the dirt .
7 He reviewed the massed ranks of the uniformed SA and SS on the Langemarkt and made violently anti-Polish speeches from the Artushof and from the Zoppot Cure-House — speeches that left what remained of the opposition staggered at his vehemence and fearful of the consequences .
8 He 'd gone with one once , after a party , back to a flat with a friend of Dave 's , who 'd laughed at him and had eyes that made him feel he was being drawn into something he could n't stop , and when she shed her clothes and left them discarded on the floor he 'd stared , open-mouthed , aware of the noise inside his head , something to do with what he 'd drunk , he could still hear the music , and was aware too of the smell of some cologne that merged with hairspray and covered something that he did not want to know about , the dirt and dust of the room and the female odours that half-attracted and repelled him .
9 In an ugly incident in November , armed raiders forced staff at the Athena/Claude Gill Bargain Bookshop on Oxford Street , London , to hand over at gunpoint around £4,500 from the safe and left them locked in the basement with tape over their mouths .
10 Then , quickly she opened the door and went out and left them standing in a half circle , silent , no laughter on their faces now , just memories of what might have been if they had had a child like the little girl who used to run into them , and a daughter as she was now .
11 Andy , my anaesthesiologist , gave me a smile and a pre-med jab and left me to float in a warm sea-green calm which was interrupted by the slap of rubber swing-doors and a breathless , ‘ Hi , my name 's Nudleman .
12 Then he ran out and left me crying on the kitchen floor .
13 Tony offered to walk back towards the vehicle , now a long way off , and left me to think about it all .
14 They bade goodnight to Joe and left him struggling with the two inebriates .
15 ‘ I 'll have to ask the doctor , ’ she said , and left him standing in the bare corridor .
16 They put the stranger down on the outskirts and left him standing in the middle of the road , his face in shadow under his cap and just a glimmer of those white , pebbly eyes .
17 The sort of man whose head has been turned by success and left him staring in the wrong direction .
18 They ran over Mr Letts and left him lying in the road with serious internal injuries .
19 A HIT-AND-RUN driver who knocked down a Gaelic footballer and left him dying on a border road has been jailed for six months .
20 The man calmly walked all over the child 's body with his heavy boots , and left her screaming on the ground .
21 Her breath went and left her gasping for air .
22 Then his head dipped towards her and he kissed her full on the lips , a harsh , plundering kiss that robbed her of breath and left her trembling beneath him .
23 They tied her up and left her lying on the lounge floor .
24 When she gave him the number he just rang off and left her staring at the phone .
25 Then he nodded , almost curtly , wheeled and left her standing in the bathroom all alone .
26 He simply took things out of her hands and left her standing like a fool , and Jenna fumed silently .
27 He shook my hand heartily , and left us sitting in the front room while he went in search of ‘ something special ’ .
28 They always were rhythmic , percussive , beaty , tinny , rattly — a tease , in fact , they tickled your feet and left you begging for more .
29 This time I used a grey Ingres paper and left it exposed in parts of the sky , as well as using it as an undertone to modify the colour put over it elsewhere .
30 His nurse had brought the paper back from her lunch break and left it lying on the low coffee table during his appointments with his two previous patients .
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