Example sentences of "[conj] saying that it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Funnily enough though there are there are feminist women who are who are saying similar things that saying that it is a bit irresponsible to have gotten into bed with someone and taken all your clothes off and then say no .
2 Two or three months after that he 's got a new product out they 're trying to keep it slightly quiet and saying that it 's not a world beater and sort of er go back to their more in innovative .
3 It 's increasingly difficult for the voluntary sector to make provision of this kind , to offer those opportunities without proper partnership with the state , so I do n't actually accept if you 're posing an alternative and saying that it 's either or , I do n't think that 's correct .
4 England came away from Australia shaking their heads and saying that it was impossible to defend against those moves .
5 I have been quoted as saying that it is not birth , marriage , or death , but gastrulation which is truly ‘ the important event in your life ’ .
6 I believe the present main warning is that they should not be used with ‘ canmotors ’ , and the May issue of Continental Modeller reviewing a German-made locomotive quotes the accompanying leaflet as saying that it is powered by a ‘ Faulhaber ’ motor which must not be used with ‘ pulse power units ’ .
7 Note : Saying that an operator is reversible is not the same as saying that it is an invertible function on the set of states .
8 A report in the Liverpool Daily Post quoted a Birmingham City Council member as saying that it was necessary to control fox numbers ‘ on public health grounds ’ .
9 Admirers of Edison 's tinfoil phonograph are on record as saying that it was impossible to tell the difference between the recording and the original .
10 The CNI itself had nominally been disbanded in March 1990 , but the Defence Minister was quoted as saying that it was preferable to keep former CNI agents " in the establishment than in the street " .
11 David Dorn , a nuclear physicist working for the Commission , was quoted in New York on Jan. 15 as saying that it was possible that Iraq possessed enough components for up to 10,000 gas centrifuges .
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