Example sentences of "[conj] saying [that] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Funnily enough though there are there are feminist women who are who are saying similar things that saying that it is a bit irresponsible to have gotten into bed with someone and taken all your clothes off and then say no .
2 This was not strictly true , but it was certainly more true than saying that he was gay .
3 erm but you 're also going to know that you 're contributing to the society erm and that even if some people in the newspapers and some politicians are dismissing unemployed people and saying that they 're scroungers , that that is n't the case for you , that you are erm making a positive input into society , probably a much more positive input than a lot of those people that are critical of erm unemployed people .
4 The other issue is that of the choice between saying that believing , expecting , hoping , and so on , are inner things ( mentalism ) and saying that they are outer things ( behaviourism ) .
5 an a and saying that we are
6 Two or three months after that he 's got a new product out they 're trying to keep it slightly quiet and saying that it 's not a world beater and sort of er go back to their more in innovative .
7 It 's increasingly difficult for the voluntary sector to make provision of this kind , to offer those opportunities without proper partnership with the state , so I do n't actually accept if you 're posing an alternative and saying that it 's either or , I do n't think that 's correct .
8 England came away from Australia shaking their heads and saying that it was impossible to defend against those moves .
9 It so happened that the very train that ended Mr Cubbage 's life was carrying the delayed mail and in one of the mail bags was a letter from Coleen agreeing to Mr Cubbage 's proposal of marriage and saying that she was coming home to her lover .
10 Having looked at my passport , the Gendarme made a telephone call during which he turned to look at me , spelling out my name and saying that I was English and a former paratrooper .
11 No , I I 'm gi it 's not my , I I would just look at mathematical skills and saying that you 're not really yo you do n't really mean mathematical skills .
12 Antony firstly seeked the political side , he now appeals to their greed by producing Caesar 's will and saying that he is n't going to read it .
13 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
14 I started crying and saying that he was only a minor , that he was n't old enough to be taken away , and had n't done anything .
15 Findlay was arrested and according to the Crown made damaging admissions , asking who had ‘ grassed ’ him and saying that he was only concerned in one post office robbery .
16 In view of the evasive comments he later made on this latter episode ( Canon Demant tells of his being pressed by some German students and saying that he was the last person to be able to answer them ) , I believe that he had experienced a moment of horrifying self-revelation ‘ of all that he had done and been ’ and thought , which had opened up a wound that could not heal .
17 Table 4.6 shows that worry and sadness were expressed by nearly half our samples of dementia sufferers at both time periods ; loneliness was less often admitted , though one in five to a quarter of the samples did admit it ; while saying that they were not very or not at all happy was the least common sentiment , this being expressed by approximately only one in six of the samples .
18 We can not sit idly by and watch Yugoslavia tear itself to pieces , watch people being killed in vast numbers , and watch the wonderful archaeological and architectural gems being destroyed , while saying that there is nothing that we can do .
19 A colleague of Dr Maden 's is quoted as saying that nothing was done because ‘ nothing really terrible had happened …
20 It quoted a Polish couple who arrived in Hungary yesterday as saying that they were in a large shop on the main square when two or three thousand people began chanting anti-Ceausescu slogans outside .
21 It quoted Street as saying that they were ‘ varied according to the use and size of the several rooms ’ .
22 President Menem , who was not obliged by the Constitution to call an election , was reported as saying that one was not necessary since his brother was Duhalde 's " natural successor as established by the law " .
23 With only a degree of oversimplification , his general conclusion can be summarised as saying that whatever is happening in the built environment will eventually be resolved to the benefit of the undifferentiated interests of capital in general , even if that resolution generates further problems that have to be resolved in turn .
24 I have been quoted as saying that it is not birth , marriage , or death , but gastrulation which is truly ‘ the important event in your life ’ .
25 I believe the present main warning is that they should not be used with ‘ canmotors ’ , and the May issue of Continental Modeller reviewing a German-made locomotive quotes the accompanying leaflet as saying that it is powered by a ‘ Faulhaber ’ motor which must not be used with ‘ pulse power units ’ .
26 Note : Saying that an operator is reversible is not the same as saying that it is an invertible function on the set of states .
27 A report in the Liverpool Daily Post quoted a Birmingham City Council member as saying that it was necessary to control fox numbers ‘ on public health grounds ’ .
28 Admirers of Edison 's tinfoil phonograph are on record as saying that it was impossible to tell the difference between the recording and the original .
29 The CNI itself had nominally been disbanded in March 1990 , but the Defence Minister was quoted as saying that it was preferable to keep former CNI agents " in the establishment than in the street " .
30 David Dorn , a nuclear physicist working for the Commission , was quoted in New York on Jan. 15 as saying that it was possible that Iraq possessed enough components for up to 10,000 gas centrifuges .
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