Example sentences of "[conj] actually [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These later towns might then have been either assisted in their development by their royal or ecclesiastical lords or owners , or actually given a regular street pattern and/or a market place to encourage them to grow and expand .
2 Many felt sympathy with Morrissey 's stance over this , but many did n't , preferring instead to follow Julie Burchill 's line that Bands Aid was the first record in the history of popular music that actually achieved a positive result ; that Band Aid made the likes of The Redskins quake in their Doc Marten 's and feel totally inconsequential .
3 He paid calls to La Vieille Cité , famed for its antiquities , where he was politely entertained and actually bought a little Renaissance bronze relief , but no one had heard of a cross coming on the market in recent years .
4 Despite the fact that crab stocks are declining through overfishing , the government buckled to pressure from the fishing industry and actually eliminated a closed season on crabbing in 1983 .
5 Basil would get very excited at finding tadpoles and caddis worms in the Hampstead ponds but though he once took to fishing in a small stream when we were on holiday , and actually caught a small fish , which Marion cooked for his tea , he was quite unable to eat it , being stricken with remorse at its demise .
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