Example sentences of "[conj] looked like [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Zap ! — and the one Henry most favoured , which seemed from looking at the label to be a sexier version of raw bleach — Finish 'Em It came in a huge blue bottle on the side of which was a picture of something that looked like a bluebottle with twelve legs keeling over , while a housewife in rubber gloves looked grimly on .
2 He was walking very rapidly , far faster than Shiva was going in the opposite direction , from a building with long windows and white-uniformed men and girls behind them that looked like a lab , towards the main block .
3 Sitting by a potted palm that looked like a fugitive from the desert , she ate flaky rolls spread with black cherry jam , and drank two cups of coffee before setting forth .
4 He was wearing this sequinned top that looked like a dress I saw Diana wear about three years ago . ’
5 She was marked out by her brightly coloured stockings , some red , some yellow and some that looked like a chessboard .
6 The guards and police took me completely outside the town and put me into some weird hotel that looked like a Holiday Inn , but it was in the middle of the woods .
7 Quigley leaned down , picked up the box and , from it , pulled out something that looked like a waffle iron .
8 I got to know the blobs and wiggles in that rough circle that looked like a sample from an oil slick , until I could draw them blindfold , and I began to visualize them inside me .
9 She was no taller than I was and she wore a grey thing that looked like a schoolgirl 's dress .
10 Examination of the Mossie revealed a mark on a propeller blade that looked like a bird strike .
11 The owner before Uncle Titch had been a retired seaman and he 'd renamed it the Turk 's Head , not after an Ottoman warrior , as most people thought , but after a special type of nautical knot that looked like a turban .
12 It was a great black creature that looked like a hound .
13 In the centre of the village was a fairly large building that looked like a church .
14 I wanted something that looked like a sea animal .
15 The photograph that Boy looked at most often and which he sometimes even left out of the box and kept on the floor beside his bed as he slept was one that looked like a photograph of Boy himself .
16 Did n't think that looked like a Lemon Delight .
17 Stok was sitting there speaking to a telephone that looked like a prop from The Young Mister Edison .
18 Set out on the benches were models of various shapes : a globe , a long horn , a ring-doughnut , and one that looked like a horse 's saddle .
19 Through the window , Carl saw a man in a white coat run out from under the plane with something that looked like a grenade in his hand .
20 I brought my bombs back on many occasions , because I am quite certain we never got anywhere near anything that looked like a target .
21 It was cooked by a woman , or something that looked like a woman but could have been a giant panda .
22 A squat kit of chunky glassware , an orange rug of Iranian provenance and recent manufacture , a Spanish guitar and a pair of maracas , two oil paintings ( the first showing puppies and kittens asnooze , the second a nude , ideally rendered ) , an elephant 's foot , something that looked like a microphone stand but turned out to be a Canadian sculpture , a Bengali chess set , a first edition of Little Women , and various other cultural treasures from all over the world .
23 Definitely no pier and nothing that looked like a break in the reef .
24 A character that looked like a house running on four legs .
25 Not even a control tower , just a grass runway , with a wind-sock at one end , three old pre-war hangars and several huts that looked like a Luftwaffe addition .
26 She held up an extremely odd-looking weapon that looked like a cross between a Sten gun and a stick insect .
27 We were hastily dismissed and only then did the staff realise the problems caused by 984 pupils searching for shoes , bags and coats in school corridors that looked like the after-effects of an explosion in an Oxfam shop .
28 She was wearing something lime-green and minuscule , with silver sandals adorning bare legs that looked like the stems of a slender plant .
29 Ace half turned back to the shuttle , pointed towards the sprouting hemisphere ( like chunks of cheddar stuck all over half a grapefruit , she thought ) , and aimed the suit towards the shape that looked like the nose of an asteroid cruncher .
30 Under the high side there was a grey Buick that I had seen Harvey driving and a long black Lincoln Continental that looked like the President of the United States had come over for pizza and beer .
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